Celebrating Ten (Picspam) #45 (a): Journey's End

Jan 07, 2010 10:15

The conclusion of the two-parter that ended Season 4.

There has been a lot already said about Journey's End, criticizing RTD and even the character of the Doctor himself. I'm not going to discuss that (much). What I mainly want to do is just post the caps. I've got almost 200 of them, so I'm splitting it up.


The bulk of the images I've used are from the now-defunct time-and-space.co.uk (RIP), with a few from the following as well:

The Medusa Cascade
Sonic Biro

The energy of regeneration fades to reveal... exactly the same Ten we know and love. Thanks to his handy spare hand. (I do have to wonder if this counts against the 12-regeneration limit, or if that will even be adhered to when the time comes.)

Ten, as always, is only too happy to explain his cleverness.

He and Rose finally have their hug.

The situation is grim, however. Ten makes sure to tell his companions how brilliant they are before they all have to go out and face the Daleks.

The Doctor watches helplessly as the TARDIS is sent to a fiery doom with Donna still inside...

...while in the TARDIS something extraordinary occurs.

There are times when I rue the fact that Doctor Who is considered a "family" show. (Though I don't know what's so non-family about a naked!Handy.)

Back to the Doctor and Rose for a moment.

And back to Handy saving the TARDIS and Donna from the incinerator.

And back to Ten (and Rose) being taken prisoner.

I love the scenes between Handy and Donna. There's a subtle difference in the way DT played Handy from the way he played the original Ten. Which mainly lies in the fact that Handy moves and speaks even quicker, if that's possible (at least here, though that could be due to having just been created), and his accent is slightly different (to reflect Donna's influence).

Handy notes the coincidences that seem to have inevitably drawn the Doctor and Donna together.

Meanwhile, Original!Ten and Rose are stuck in the (somewhat cliche) circle-of-light forcefields, listening to Davros rant.

Handy and Donna monitor the situation. It's not good.

Original!Ten is not having a fun time either.

Back to Handy.

Back to Original!Ten, as Davros proceeds to give his little speech about how the Doctor turns people into weapons and keeps moving on to avoid facing the consequences of his intervention. Blah, blah, blah.

Unfortunately, the speech seems to hit home.

Several things then happen. Original!Ten can't do much but react.

Donna, however, now has things in hand (no pun intended).

Handy makes a decision of his own, though Original!Ten won't be happy with him.

As he often does, the Doctor tries to save the villain. As they often are, the villain is like "@#!!$ you."

Favorite quotes:

(The Doctor directs energy from his regeneration into his severed hand. When the energy dies down, we see that he is exactly the same man as before.)
The Doctor: Now, then. Where were we?

The Doctor: You see? Used the regeneration energy to heal myself, but as soon as that was done, I didn't need to change. I didn't want to, why would I? (tweaks tie) Look at me! So, to stop the energy going all the way, I siphoned off the rest into a handy bio-matching receptacle -- namely, my hand. My hand, there. My handy spare hand.

Duplicate Doctor: (putting on a blue suit jacket) Shh! No-one knows we're here. Gotta keep quiet. Silent running, like on submarines when they can't even drop a spanner. Don't drop a spanner. I like blue, what do you think?
Donna: You. Are. Bonkers!
Duplicate Doctor: Why? What's wrong with blue?
Donna: Is that what Time Lords do? Lop a bit off, grow another one? You're like worms!
Duplicate Doctor: No, no, no, no, no, I'm unique. Never been another like me! Because all that regeneration energy went into the hand -- look at my hand, I love that hand... (wiggles his fingers) But then you touched it -- WHAM! (jabs that hand out at her; she jumps) Shhh! Instantaneous biological metacrisis. I grew... out of you. Still, could be worse.
Donna: Oi! Watch it, spaceman!
Duplicate Doctor: Oi! Watch it, Earth girl! Oh! (He looks surprised.) I sound like you! I sound all... all sort of, rough.
Donna: Oi!
Duplicate Doctor: Oi!
Donna: Oi!
Duplicate Doctor: Spanners! Shh! Must've picked up a bit of your voice, that's all. Is it? Did I? No. Oh! You are kidding me! No *way*! One heart... (feels his chest) I've got one heart! This body... has got only one heart!
Donna: What? (places a hand on his chest) What, like you're human?
Duplicate Doctor: Oh, that's *disgusting*!
Donna: Oi!
Duplicate Doctor: Oi!
Donna: Stop it!
Duplicate Doctor: No, wait, I'm... part Time Lord, part human... Well, isn't that wizard?

The Doctor: Osterhagen what? What's an Osterhagen Key?
Martha: There's a chain of twenty-five nuclear warheads placed in strategic points beneath the Earth's crust. If I use the key, they detonate and the Earth gets ripped apart.
The Doctor: What? Who invented that?! Well... someone called Osterhagen, I suppose...

10th doctor, celebrating ten, doctor who

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