Celebrating Ten (Picspam) #45 (b): Journey's End

Jan 08, 2010 07:14

OK, this is it. Coming up: the scenes that have left a lot of us heartbroken, a lot of us pissed off, and some of us both.

Note: As some of you know, my dad is dying. I'm leaving today to fly to Washington state and see him one last time. I won't have time to answer comments for the rest of today, and I won't be back until Wednesday the 13th. This series will resume the day after. Thank you, everyone, for your patience and kind wishes.


The bulk of the images I've used are from the now-defunct time-and-space.co.uk (RIP), with a few from the following as well:

The Medusa Cascade
Sonic Biro

Ten and Rose, as adorable as of old.

As the solution is devised and implemented for moving the Earth back to its place.

I love the scene where all the companions help fly the TARDIS. I wish it could have stayed like that.

Now the goodbyes begin.

I think Handy has some idea of what's coming. Not surprisingly.

The infamous Bad Wolf Bay, Take Two scene.

I know this scene is loathed by Ten/Rose shippers. And I'm not going to say their loathing is wrong. But as in most things, I like to give Ten the benefit of the doubt here. I believe he really thinks he is doing the right thing, or the most right thing possible.

This scene is just as widely hated as the last one, if not more so.

I'm a Donna fan myself, and I wish with all my heart that she could have stayed. But the harsh reality is that Catherine Tate had only committed to the show for one season. And given the fact that it was established how much Donna wanted to travel with the Doctor "forever", it would have been egregiously unfair and insulting to both her and the audience if RTD had taken the old school companion-departure approach ("I'm staying here, Doctor." "Oh, okay, bye then.") Killing her off would be even worse. So even though, as I said, I'm a Donna fan, I actually can kind of live with the ending we did get. For two reasons.

Number one: I don't believe for a moment that the Doctor took away everything that made her awesome. That potential was intrinsic to her and had nothing to do with the Doctor or the TARDIS. Number two: it's very telling, IMO, that it's not after Rose, not after Martha, but after Donna that Ten swears off companions. And it's Donna that he alludes to with that catch in his voice in The Next Doctor and Planet of the Dead. I don't know about anyone else, but to me, that's at least some consolation and a tribute to her impact on his life (albeit a very sad one because it means he's alone for the rest of that incarnation).

And if the last scene wasn't enough to break my heart...

...these rip it out and stomp on it.

Quite possibly the biggest bummer ending Doctor Who has ever had, at least equal to Doomsday. Poor Ten.

Favorite quotes:

The Doctor: (directing everyone to their places as he speaks) Now then, you lot. Sarah, hold that. And Mickey, you hold that. Because, you know why this TARDIS is always rattling about the place? Rose, that, there. It was designed to have six pilots, and I have to do it single-handed. Martha, keep that level. But not anymore! Jack, there you go, steady that. Now we can fly this thing -- (He comes to Jackie, and hesitates.) No, Jackie. No, no. Not you. (pats her shoulder) Don't touch anything, just... stand back. (returns to what he was saying) ...Like it's meant to be flown! We've got the Torchwood Rift looped around the TARDIS by Mr Smith. We're gonna fly planet Earth back home. (takes his place at the console) Right, then! Off we go.

Jackie: (to the Duplicate Doctor) I was pregnant, do you remember? Had a baby boy!
Duplicate Doctor: Ah, brilliant! What did you call him?
Jackie: Doctor.
Duplicate Doctor: (not sure what to say) ...really?
Jackie: No, you plum. He's called Tony!

The Doctor: (re the Duplicate Doctor) That's me. When we first met. And you made me better. And now you can do the same for him.
Rose: But he's not you.
The Doctor: He needs you. That's very me.

The Doctor: (approaching her) Donna. Oh, Donna Noble. I am so, so sorry. But we had the best of times. The best. (whispers) Goodbye. (wipes her memory)

The Doctor: I just want you to know that there are worlds out there, safe in the sky, because of her. That there are people living in the light, singing songs of Donna Noble, a thousand million light-years away... they will never forget her. While she can never remember. And for one moment... one shining moment... she was the most important woman in the whole wide universe.

The Doctor: (observing the rain) Ah... you'll have quite a bit of this. Atmospheric disturbance. Still, it'll pass. (almost to himself) Everything does. (turns and shakes Wilfred's hand) 'Bye then, Wilfred. (steps out into to the rain)
Wilfred: Oh, Doctor... What about you, now? Who've you got? I mean, all those friends of yours...?
The Doctor: They've all got someone else. Still, that's fine. I'm fine.
Wilfred: I'll watch out for you, sir.
The Doctor: You can't ever tell her!
Wilfred: No, no, no. But every night, Doctor... when it gets dark... and the stars come out... I'll look up. On her behalf. I'll look up at the sky and think of you.
The Doctor: (gravely, touched) Thank you.

10th doctor, celebrating ten, doctor who

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