Celebrating Ten (Picspam) #44: The Stolen Earth

Jan 06, 2010 08:56

*sigh* All good things, etc., etc.... but in this case, in a very epic way. Say what you will about the finale of Season 4, it certainly didn't lack for ambition. And here's the first half of the two-parter that ended it all.


The bulk of the images I've used are from the now-defunct time-and-space.co.uk (RIP), with a few from the following as well:

The Medusa Cascade
Sonic Biro

The Doctor and Donna rush back to Earth, only to find everything seemingly normal. Somehow they aren't reassured.

I do like his smile at the thought of Rose coming back, though.

Crap happens, of course. Shadow Proclamation, here we come.

I love it when Ten speaks alien. It reinforces the fact that the Doctor is a man of the universe.

Brainy specs always help, because if he looks clever, then he is clever.

"The bees disappearing!"

There's something very Bugs Bunny about the trick the Doctor pulls on the Shadow Architect once he's got what he wanted.

Unfortunately, the trail leads to nowhere and the Doctor is fresh out of ideas. For now.

But then voila! The subwave network comes through.

I do enjoy the webcam scene with all the former companions.

Oh crap, it's Davros.

(I'm sorry, I can't seem to find a cap of the one shot I want from this scene -- the one where he gets a wild look in his eye and yells, "'BYE!")

Anyway... here's the scene where he finally spots Rose.

It's not quite a meadow full of flowers, but it's heartwarming nonetheless.

But the universe has always had it in for Ten. Stupid universe.

Not quite the reunion either of them pictured.

I guess Ten does have the honor of being the only incarnation of the Doctor to regenerate twice...

To be continued.

(I remember what a wreck I was the week between seeing this and Journey's End...)

Favorite quotes:

Donna: Although... there were the bees disappearing.
The Doctor: (sarcastically) The bees disappearing. The *bees* disappearing. (dawning realisation, practically yells) The bees disappearing!
Shadow Architect: How is that significant?
Donna: On Earth, we have these insects. Some people said it was pollution or mobile phone signals.
The Doctor: Or... they were going back home.
Donna: Back home where?
The Doctor: The planet Melissa Majoria.
Donna: Are you saying bees are aliens?
The Doctor: Don't be so daft. Not all of them.

The Doctor: I've got a blip! It's just a blip, but it's definitely a blip.
Shadow Architect: Then according to the strictures of the Shadow Proclamation, I will have to seize your transport and your technology.
The Doctor: (taken aback) Oh, really? What for?
Shadow Architect: The planets were stolen with hostile intent. We are declaring war, Doctor! Right across the universe! And you will lead us into battle!
The Doctor: Right. Yes. Course I will. Just go and... get you a key. (goes back into the TARDIS, grins at Donna, and takes off)

(The Doctor and Donna appear in the grid of webcam images.)
Jack: Where the hell have you been?! Doctor, it's the Daleks!
Gwen: Ooh, he's a bit nice. I thought he'd be older.
Ianto: He's not that young.
Sarah Jane: It's the Daleks! They're taking people to their spaceship!
Martha: But it's not just Dalek Caan! (She and Sarah Jane talk over each other.)
Sylvia: That's Donna!
Wilfred: That's my girl!
The Doctor: (beaming) Sarah Jane! Who's that boy? That must be Torchwood. Aren't they brilliant? (with fond pride) Look at you all, you clever people!
Donna: That's Martha! And who's... (points) ... he?
The Doctor: Captain Jack. Don't. (shakes his finger at her warningly) Just... don't.

Davros: I have my children, Doctor. What do you have, now?
The Doctor: After all this time... everything we saw, everything we lost... I have only one thing to say to you. (with a wild grin) 'BYE! (twists a dial and the TARDIS zooms away)

10th doctor, celebrating ten, doctor who

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