podfic whaaaaaaaaaat

May 19, 2011 22:19

Mang, someone - actually, a beautiful stranger named dyaoka - recorded podfic for Helpmate, that Iron Man AU from three years back. INORITE. INO. She did it because someone else - another beautiful stranger named tanpopo03 - won her in the help_japan auction and requested it. What! So lovely! I don't even!

At any rate, dyaoka posted it here at amplificathon, if you're interested. I won't ( Read more... )

rl, ironmanhood

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Comments 14

takobella May 20 2011, 04:55:10 UTC
You are the first person I've heard of that hasn't liked Game of Thrones lol

what don't you like? I'm shocked you think it's crappy :O


subterrain May 20 2011, 05:12:38 UTC
Three things: stilted acting, painfully clunky dialogue, occasionally horrific CGI. It's just not on par with the books, or even with other shows that HBO's produced. Probably my expectations were too high. But I haven't been around to get exposed to fandom excitement, so I haven't been dwelling on any of the good stuff.

Also, I haven't watched the 5th episode, and I hear Loras shows up. All will be forgiven if we get some sparkling lens flare off some rainbow cloak action.


takobella May 20 2011, 05:17:32 UTC
Oh I like everything you hate hahaha

I thought it was pretty on par with the books too, considering the time limit they have to work with...I wish they'd explain things better though. I watch it with ppl who have never read the books and I have to explain 1/2 of what they are talking about because a lot of stuff is glossed over

Loras I was kinda meh about though, although he does have a scene with Renley that I like a lot


subterrain May 22 2011, 18:26:20 UTC
Yeahhhh, I have to pause it every five minutes and start in on who the eff Theon is and why he's been fostered out and where his people are and it doesn't really help that there are a billion characters who all look the same. I mean, The Wire had city full of characters and they are all instantly recognizable and you know their names and where they're at mentally whenever they're onscreen, but the show had to build up to that kind of scope, and instead with GoT we're just getting a lot of broad strokes and not much character work. I keep hoping once the plot gets going and they stop leaning on the backstory so much it'll get its legs under it and I'll start caring the way I want to.


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subterrain May 22 2011, 18:26:38 UTC


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subterrain May 22 2011, 18:29:48 UTC
HBO's credits are all super painfully long! Although the music isn't as annoying as Rome's music was, which helps.

Idk, when they announced that HBO would be doing it two years ago I thought, 'good, HBO doesn't fuck anything up' but I have lost faith. Or maybe I just like the books less than I thought I did. Idk! Bitter tears!


hihotiho May 20 2011, 10:24:30 UTC
I'm so happy to hear from you ( ... )


subterrain May 22 2011, 18:37:46 UTC
Haha, Jon's sweet lily face is so unappealing! I am totally with you. Also, the scene in the first episode where there are half a dozen young lordlings with their shirts off in Winterfell just, you know, shaving and bathing together, should have been awesome but was instead just laughable. I want grit and painful cold, HBO, not underwear models with well-defined abs! I should've known when they cast Jason Momoa what they were going for. Forewarned is forearmed ( ... )


hihotiho May 22 2011, 19:13:56 UTC
Ha ha, I knooooooooow. I was like, SEVERE FACIAL FEATURES, COME ON. SNOW. HONOUR. WARRIORS. ICE. GIVE ME A LANDSCAPE OF MISERY AND GRIT. I. AM. SO. PUMPED. FOR. THI--wtf, this is like every other sex-drenched HBO-produced series I've ever seen. Lots of T&A and some historical details/political machinations to make the fanboys feel intellectual while they're jerking off. BORING. I mean, I know a lot of people would say that sounds exactly like ASOIAF, but I don't think the books are this shallow at all. And again, Jon. Just no.

And yeah, the constant infodump is made even more annoying by the fact that it's still too confusing for most people.

I don't think HBO would even look at Robin Hobb's stuff. Her writing is very character-driven, no action/female objectification at all.

Which reminds me of my OTP, Fitz/the Fool. Sigh. I shipped these two before I even knew what shipping was. Flawless pairing :( I've been craving fix-it/post-series fic about them for ever. QQ


hihotiho May 22 2011, 19:19:30 UTC
Um, but again, I haven't actually watched much of the show and this is what I've gathered from reviews and discussions.


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