podfic whaaaaaaaaaat

May 19, 2011 22:19

Mang, someone - actually, a beautiful stranger named dyaoka - recorded podfic for Helpmate, that Iron Man AU from three years back. INORITE. INO. She did it because someone else - another beautiful stranger named tanpopo03 - won her in the help_japan auction and requested it. What! So lovely! I don't even!

At any rate, dyaoka posted it here at amplificathon, if you're interested. I won't lie, I kinda can't listen past the first sentence! My ears are burning! I was so dumb three years ago! People who are my friends need to learn to keep me away from keyboards when I'm 23 and ovulating!

I'm not around, what's new. Shit that is up with me:

01. I am (almost) underemployed, finally! Two weeks ago my department at the school board got its salary budget slashed in half (everyone hates school libraries!) and so my half-time job there is gone as of June 30th, meaning I'll be crawling back to my private sector gig. I have five more weeks of full-time work and then I'll be down to 2 days a week just in time for July 1st, aka party deck summer hike mountain trail beer bathing suit garden time. YEAH, EI, COME TO MEEEE.

02. In nine days I'm running my first half marathon. We are not going to talk about how well that's going to go, because me and my 10lb bag of jelly bellies have enacted a moratorium on that shit. Also. I'm running for Ass Cancer. My t-shirt has a giant butt on it. NO JOKES, PLS.

03. Not writing anything really. Gardening and half-assed decor projects (yeah, I painted my baseboards and washed the front of my house by hand) are not really filling the void, either. Thank fucking christ.

04. Parks & Rec and Community, on the other hand, are filling several of my voids. And making me seriously question my mental faculties and general gullibility because my Leslie/Ben Britta/Jeff OTPs are so spoon-fed by the writers it's embarrassing that I'm even buying it. But I cannot get enough of skinny tie/windbreaker/raybans or ... d-bag assholes. I guess.

05. Game of Thrones = :|||||||| Get better soon. Get less crappy, even.

06. Owen Pallett & Beirut are playing a show together in Toronto in August. I am actually writing this post from my tent outside the venue. Don't worry, me and SkyMall's Tom Haverford Camping Collection will be blasting Cliquot from DJ Roomba and eating soft-serve ice cream. Come visit us and we'll watch Cupcake Wars together until summer hits.

rl, ironmanhood

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