podfic whaaaaaaaaaat

May 19, 2011 22:19

Mang, someone - actually, a beautiful stranger named dyaoka - recorded podfic for Helpmate, that Iron Man AU from three years back. INORITE. INO. She did it because someone else - another beautiful stranger named tanpopo03 - won her in the help_japan auction and requested it. What! So lovely! I don't even!

At any rate, dyaoka posted it here at amplificathon, if you're interested. I won't ( Read more... )

rl, ironmanhood

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hihotiho May 20 2011, 10:24:30 UTC
I'm so happy to hear from you :)

Sorry for your job. But it sounds like you're taking it well so... I wish you a smooth transition :)

And good luck with your half marathon initiative! I really admire people who run marathons. Mostly because I start coughing and wheezing and my legs turn to spaghetti at the half-mile mark, so cheering other people on is the closest I'll ever get. *sigh*

AND YES YES YES SO MUCH THIS on Game of Thrones. Although I only watched like, half an episode and turned off the machinery because I couldn't stand looking at "Jon" and his completely un-Jonlike butterface. IDK, the cast is just visually unappealing to me (except for Peter Dinklage, who's a very good Tyrion imo. But no one else looks like their character for me), on top of the bad acting and all the missed/garbled important scenes and plot points (which is kind of inevitable, but still incredibly annoying). And all these people who haven't read the books and swear to me that GoT is the best thing since sliced bread are seriously getting on my nerves.

Therefore I can't really comment on the quality of the show itself, but am 100% behind you in your negativity :D


subterrain May 22 2011, 18:37:46 UTC
Haha, Jon's sweet lily face is so unappealing! I am totally with you. Also, the scene in the first episode where there are half a dozen young lordlings with their shirts off in Winterfell just, you know, shaving and bathing together, should have been awesome but was instead just laughable. I want grit and painful cold, HBO, not underwear models with well-defined abs! I should've known when they cast Jason Momoa what they were going for. Forewarned is forearmed. :|

In general, I don't know what they were thinking, trying to turn books that are 50% exposition/backstory into a season arc where things happen and the audience cares. I really think they should've just let the backstory hang on the wall and focused on the characters and let it unfold slowly. We didn't need all our questions answered right away. And explaining it in dialogue is just painful to listen to, and no one gets it anyway.

So I have taken refuge in chain-reading Robin Hobb books and wishing they'd adapted hers instead. GRRM, I see you now for what you are: a creepy dude who likes titties. I am disenchanted. :/


hihotiho May 22 2011, 19:13:56 UTC
Ha ha, I knooooooooow. I was like, SEVERE FACIAL FEATURES, COME ON. SNOW. HONOUR. WARRIORS. ICE. GIVE ME A LANDSCAPE OF MISERY AND GRIT. I. AM. SO. PUMPED. FOR. THI--wtf, this is like every other sex-drenched HBO-produced series I've ever seen. Lots of T&A and some historical details/political machinations to make the fanboys feel intellectual while they're jerking off. BORING. I mean, I know a lot of people would say that sounds exactly like ASOIAF, but I don't think the books are this shallow at all. And again, Jon. Just no.

And yeah, the constant infodump is made even more annoying by the fact that it's still too confusing for most people.

I don't think HBO would even look at Robin Hobb's stuff. Her writing is very character-driven, no action/female objectification at all.

Which reminds me of my OTP, Fitz/the Fool. Sigh. I shipped these two before I even knew what shipping was. Flawless pairing :( I've been craving fix-it/post-series fic about them for ever. QQ


hihotiho May 22 2011, 19:19:30 UTC
Um, but again, I haven't actually watched much of the show and this is what I've gathered from reviews and discussions.


subterrain May 25 2011, 01:36:10 UTC
kdfjadslfjkadsf. I just finished Golden Fool (is that what the 2nd one is called? idek) and I am afraid to read the last one. I AM SO AFRAID. What if the Fool dies like he says he will? What if Fitz doesn't fucking get his act together and love him like he deserves love? What if it is a terrible sad awful ending for the Fool? I DON'T TRUST ROBIN HOBB TO NOT MAKE IT TERRIBLE FOR THE FOOL. Also, this is mainstream fantasy, how gay can it really get? I don't even get how she made it this gay so far! She is so magical!

But I definitely had a twenty minute daydream about the Fool & the garden maid Grichelda or whateverhernameis running off and being fancy ladies together in Jamaillia or Bingtown or something and the garden maid being bad at courtly manners and the Fool covering up for her all the time all suave and shit, and the garden maid being still totally in love with him and the Fool feeling so deeply bad for her because he still pines for Fitz and knows how awful it is. Goddamn Fitz, who I want to murder.

Basically my favourite part in all 9 books is when the Fool has to self-medicate with brandy just to pluck up the courage to see Fitz again. It makes me howl with rage-grief.

Yeah. GRRM is dead to me now that I have Ms. Hobb. I just re-read the first five chapters of GoT and got a harsh reminder of how manfully mediocre his writing truly is.


I don't remember the details, but, without spoiling you, the ending is not terrible from a F/F perspective. I mean, it is a little, but it's kind of bittersweet and the tiniest bit open, afaik. I remember my heart felt bruised and tender in the best possible way after I turned the last page.* Gah, I need to reread the series.

As for the all-important question, How gay can they get?... GAY ENOUGH. I mean, like, no anal--I'm not spoiling you, right?--but there's this thread of unresolved almost-almost-so-close-to-sexual whatever-it-is, ah, potential perhaps, running through the last book, and then there's their emotional connection, and the characterisation is just so compelling and BASICALLY THEY'RE LIKE SOULMATES, OKAY. (But we knew that already.) And the Fool is flawless.

I'd love to hear your thoughts on F/F when you're finished with the last book. There's just so much to be said about them, and I'm barely restraining myself from giving away even more than I already have. I deeply apologize if the above paragraph is in any way spoilery, btw--seriously, I'm such an asshole--but I don't think it contains anything you didn't already know, right?

*the white text is a vague description of my emotional response to the ending of the series, which I don't even remember in detail; contains the faintest trace of a spoiler, but NOTHING SPECIFIC. Highlight at your own risk.


Haha, thanks for the lightning-fast retraction! I am saving your comment for when I'm done the last book because seriously. They have consumed my life and I need ALL THE FIC AND COMMENTARY. ALL OF IT. And the fic on AO3 is not really cutting it so far (although I'm skimming for fear of spoilers).

The Fool is entirely flawless, you're so right. The three hundred pages after Fitz tells him he'd never ever bang him broke my heart - I rushed through all the plot wanting to find out what happens between them. Like, jfc, Fitz, how can you make him suffer more than he does already? And he thought the little bouquets on his breakfast tray every morning were from Fitz, and also knew he was deluding himself! Goddddddd. So painful.

So, I'm also an idiot and didn't figure out who Amber was until she was literally carving the Farseer Buck onto Paragon. I figured she was just another half-bronzed albino from the far south, but obvs I am the giantest dumbass. I found her strangely boring, though, and I can't tell if that was because of my own internalized misogyny or because Robin Hobb was more interested in Althea & Malta & everyone, and didn't have the energy to spare. I am fascinated with the idea the Fool has that if s/he'd followed and helped Malta instead of Althea then everything would've turned out better.

Anyway. I love the Liveship books a billion times more than the Farseer ones, but the Fool is the best of all of them. Although I keep asking myself why he loves Fitz. Fitz who is awful to everyone who has ever been kind to him.

Have you read any of the books Hobb wrote under her other pen name? Megan Lindholm? They sound spectacularly bad, but I also can't believe that she's capable of writing anything less than ~~amayzing.


I haven't read any of them actually. I don't think I want to, to be honest D:

The Fool is such a tragic character, but in a way so is Fitz. It's not that he doesn't return the Fool's feelings; it's that he won't let himself return them in one particular way. Which ultimately sucks for him too.

And yes, there is a dreadful shortage of F/F fic... Which is maybe something you might be interested in rectifying, possibly? DO IT DO IT DO IT U NO U WANT 2


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