Title: The Doctor
Rating: R(or M?) (For blood guts, gore, cursing and the like.)
Warnings: Blood, serious injuries, the fixing of injuries. John is a Doctor after all. Violence, I suppose.
Characters: John/Sherlock (No romance, but a strong connection. I hesitate to call it friendship...)
Wordcount: 14,000 (give or take)
Summary: I went to war to
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Comments 52
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it <3
Was it just because it was different than all the other bamfJohn's/sociopathic ones? I really didn't want this going dark so it was an interesting tightrope....
I'm really interested in hearing what you thought about it, like, if it was weird or something.
Glad you enjoyed :)
But....The story's done!
Are you asking for a sequel? :)
But one has definitely been bouncing around in my mind, if you can be patient <3
I love the action scenes mixed in with John's thoughts - both amusing and very telling!
I devoured it whilst at work and now am desperately craving more. Any chances my cravings will be fulfilled?!
*Adds to memories.*
Thank you very much!
Sadly, nothing for this particular fic is in the works, though I've been entertaining the idea. Mostly because ONE, I haven't finished with finals for this term yet....TWO I'm writing....one, two, four....Gosh. Four or Five fics right now? Including one WIP on my journal>.< Poor thing....
Also? Something really neat? I'm taking a fiction writing class this next term that will demand two full short stories (and knowing mine they'll both be as long as The Doctor...) so in the interests of passing the class....Any sequel that might even possibly be in the works won't arrive until the summer.
Wow, that actually hurt to say out loud. Through type. Urgh >.< Unloading on strangers much? I'm such an excuse maker.
Especially since I'll bet good money that I'll snap some weekend and churn something out regardless....But I can almost guarantee that there will be more, just not right away!
Unless someone were to prompt a short fill that wouldn't take a month worth of betaing like THIS monster :)
*G* I find the more one tries to get away from fic writing to sort out RL stuff, more fic bunnies come along. (Usually with flashing neon signs and large loud speakers.)
And I'm sure we can be obliging enough to come up with some prompts for you. ;)
Can't wait for random comment prompts to pop up. For any lurkers out there...They're welcome! (the prompts, I mean :D)
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