Yeah. I'm a faggot. The likelihood of me raping a woman is zilch. Why can't I be there? I understand the need for safe spaces... but what about men who pose no threat whatsoeveer except in your most fevered paranoiac dreams? Please.
My suspension of disbelief was lost when someone asserted that 7-8 year old boys know anything about decorum and propriety. Fart jokes are high humor at this point. Boobs are just another random part of mommy's anatomy.
I've had babies grab my breasts. And toddlers. I've never had an 8 year old grab them or touch them (except when accidentally running into them).
An 8 year old may not have the sense of decorum to not do that, but I'd still expect his parents to say "Hey there, let's learn about personal boundaries."
He was using them as mountains in his game! My brother used to use my body all the time as a surface upon which his toys played. Sure he never used my rack but maybe mines not as impressive.
My son is 7 and touches my breasts occasionally -- not in any sexual way, just because they are there and he's curious. But admitedly he's also mildly autistic. I had a feeling this kid was sitting on this woman's lap, due to a crouded bus, the breasts were convieninet. I think there's also a lot more familiarity betwen a mom and her kid than some random person and a kid. It wasn't like the kid was groping her, he was just using her as setting for his adventure.
My son doesn't touch OTHER people, just those he feels close and comfortable with. Still, he has absolutely no shame and only the mildest, most inconsistant sense of modesty -- just the same as the rest of his (non autistic) friends.
Comments 217
I hate how many documentaries I've seen.
An 8 year old may not have the sense of decorum to not do that, but I'd still expect his parents to say "Hey there, let's learn about personal boundaries."
My son doesn't touch OTHER people, just those he feels close and comfortable with. Still, he has absolutely no shame and only the mildest, most inconsistant sense of modesty -- just the same as the rest of his (non autistic) friends.
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