Yeah. I'm a faggot. The likelihood of me raping a woman is zilch. Why can't I be there? I understand the need for safe spaces... but what about men who pose no threat whatsoeveer except in your most fevered paranoiac dreams? Please.
Man, I was - and still sort of am - completely addicted to that shit. Cold Case Files, American Justice, etc. It was like crack for me! Now I stick to safe, animal documentaries (the lioness stalks its prey etc.), as well as travel documentaries (i.e. Going to Extremes ftw.) I know all about the Zodiac killer, John Wayne Gacy Jr., Ted Bundy -- you name it, I know them. I also used to read The Crime Library until -- srsly -- I read all their archives. And then CSI came out, and I was like, "Pfft, that shit is for SISSIES." (Now I am addicted CSI and CSI: Miami, thank you.)
But man, I didn't sleep for almost a full year when I watched that stuff. D: It was. Screwed. Up.
It didn't bug me too much. It was screwed up, but it was a relief to know that there were people more screwed up than my incestuous, child murdering family.
I never got into CSI. I hate fictional crime, it just doesn't do much for me. If I'm going to watch crime, I want the real thing... and if I'm going to watch fiction, I want it removed from reality. Heh. I like to keep reality and fiction nice and separate.
I'm a huge wussbag and not to bright either. I remember babysitting on Hallowe'en. Naturally, I watched The Exorcist and The Shining and scared myself shitless. Oh, and I had to walk home. At midnight. How smart. It wasn't surprising that I scared myself watching that stuff. But it was like a trainwreck, and I couldn't look away!
I totally just stalked you (i.e. looked at your LJ) and we live in the same province. Woo!
Heheh. I can watch any horror and not be freaked out. They're always too far removed from reality to bother me.
I loved the Exorcist!
But you know what did scare me? Jurassic Park... I was up all night after watching that one. Not sure why? Maybe because after visiting Dino Park in Drumheller I started thinking dinosaur's probably did exist.
We also have the not being too bright in common. ;) It's a small world after all.
CSI annoys the hell out of me, because in REAL life, labs are lit like a thousand white-hot suns. You can count the pores on the nose of the guy working across the room from you, for Pete's sake. But in CSI, everything is clearly being done by candlelight and the use of a few fireflies.
No labs are ever that cool looking, they completely missed the lab standard "Golden Oak woodwork and black countertop, complete with scuffed linoleum floor" theme.
I hate how many documentaries I've seen.
That same documentary showcased female serial killers...
No wait, that was the documentary AFTER...
It's been awhile.
Srsly. No more A&E for me. They always showed that shit at like midnight, too.
It probably was!
I am ADDICTED to those shows! When they have marathons I watch every one. I can't help myself. I must know more!
When I had TV all I ever watched was documentaries (on every subject) and reality 'TV' shows.
But man, I didn't sleep for almost a full year when I watched that stuff. D: It was. Screwed. Up.
I never got into CSI. I hate fictional crime, it just doesn't do much for me. If I'm going to watch crime, I want the real thing... and if I'm going to watch fiction, I want it removed from reality. Heh. I like to keep reality and fiction nice and separate.
I'm a huge wussbag and not to bright either. I remember babysitting on Hallowe'en. Naturally, I watched The Exorcist and The Shining and scared myself shitless. Oh, and I had to walk home. At midnight. How smart. It wasn't surprising that I scared myself watching that stuff. But it was like a trainwreck, and I couldn't look away!
I totally just stalked you (i.e. looked at your LJ) and we live in the same province. Woo!
I loved the Exorcist!
But you know what did scare me? Jurassic Park... I was up all night after watching that one. Not sure why? Maybe because after visiting Dino Park in Drumheller I started thinking dinosaur's probably did exist.
We also have the not being too bright in common. ;) It's a small world after all.
Exactly. None of these cool, moody surfaces and trendy light fixtures, damn it!
I totally get it when people watch trashy t.v. shows, but CSI is just one of those shows that makes me lose all respect for anyone who watches it.
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