edit: Post deleted by the mods. I will edit to remove the text and comments if that is the appropriate thing to do.
feminist_rage post I have ever seen.
The Mods are thinking of deleting it, but it is there & unlocked at time of posting.
...And no, it's not about rape. It's sheer WTF. I honestly think they broke my brain this time.
blacksambuca: So I was on a bus the other day, and a woman and her child got on the bus. This young boy was SO FREAKING OBNOXIOUS.
Now, I would like to disclaim here that while I am childless, I hesitate to call myself childfree because I am disgusted by the implications of hatred and vitriol that seem to come with it. At least here on livejournal. I have no problem whatsoever with mothers, children in general, or anything related to them. In fact, I admire mothers, and I love most children, so I took this rather seriously.
This boy in particular. ARGH. I would hazard a guess that he was 7 or 8, definitely old enough to have a sense of decorum and propriety. He shouted "MOVE!" at an old man sitting down, and then climbed bodily over him to get to the empty seat next to him! Then he stood on the seat, waving his action figures around, bouncing them off the window, not caring who was being hit by his flailing arms. This was an extremely crowded bus, so more than one person got smacked.
The reason I'm posting this to this community is because after the numbers thinned a bit, he was able to sit next to his mother. He then proceeded to use her rather ample breasts as a playsite for his action figures!! And she did nothing! I felt bad for her, to be honest. There he is, on a still relatively crowded bus, grabbing her breasts, hitting them with his arms, bouncing his toys off them.
And there I am, watching this and thinking, "This boy is learning that breasts are his playthings. And he's not being challenged on it." I almost wanted to cry. All I could see was a grabby teenager, a pushy college boy, an abusive man. All I could see was what he had the potential to become in the future, and the fact that no one was trying to stop it from happening.
Obviously I'm reading a lot into this. The boy could have developmental issues, his mother could just have been tired and sick of fighting him. But still, it's clear to me that his behavior was inappropriate and letting him get away with it is dangerous.
Some comments:
nymphaeales: I think you're exactly right. What's more, small girls are more heavily disciplined, physically speaking, than are small boys. They're trained to be docile and compliant to an extraordinary degree, while boys are more or less allowed to run wild. This obviously creates a number of problems later on, for both sexes. Women are encouraged to allow themselves to be bullied and pushed around, while men are conditioned to be aggressive (or taught that aggression is an acceptable tool for getting what you want). It's really disturbing.
vegaenglit: i think this has the potential to devolve into something nasty. So I was on a bus the other day, and a woman and her child got on the bus. This young boy was SO FREAKING OBNOXIOUS. honestly, this is how every singule CF-wank starts.
Okay, now the Mod Activity.
truckers_child, to vegaenglit's comment above: So, e-mail the mods and keep your non-supportive comments to yourself. Not A Debate Community. Period. The End. Have a nice day.
panic_girl, to the OP: As a fellow CF person, I have to check myself all the time, when I look at parents and start judging their actions, or the actions of their children. Fact is, I don't have, and never will have kids, and it's not up to me to decide how people should raise them. You honestly don't know how that family is, and you have no idea the reasons behind what the child was doing. Even as a CF person, I find this rage inappropriate for this forum, and will be discussing with other mods if it should be removed.
zorah, to the OP: This is not the forum for opinions on parenting styles.
[She then proceeds, in several paragraphs, to outline parenting styles. Furthermore, since she forgets to freeze replies to her comment, people begin discussing parenting styles -- in that very forum.]