"This place... it's called the Reformatory City of Seoul. Well see, our new prime minister has been really cracking down on the whole crime thing. Those ordinary jail cells? They got all filled up, thus places like this were born. In the Reformatory City of Seoul, the idea is basically 'low maintenance'. We criminals are stuffed in a building together and left pretty much to do what we want. They just give us food, turn lights on and off, and make sure we don't escape."
Part 1,
Part 2 This concept was created by my bb, Kie. The universe was used for roleplay purposes between her and I for a short period of time, before we dropped it. (We reworked and revisited it some time this year, but this fic was written before then.)
This fic is rated R because of it's subject matter. There's also sure to be bad language and other generally unpleasant things. IF I decide to write in anything NC-17 worthy, it will be put in a PWP-style chapter on it's own.
The characters used in this fic are inspired by Super Junior members. INSPIRED BY. They do not necessarily represent how I think the Super Junior members act in real life. As far as their appearances go, well, I don't think I'm considering any one specific era.
Kibum is the main character, and you'll find that he isn't exactly pleasant. (At least not at first - we'll see where I go with that.) Because it's written from his point of view (for the most part) I hope that no one will misunderstand and think that I share his views on things. Quite the contrary. I wouldn't be so interested in writing about someone I agreed with.
Kibum's characterization is heavily inspired by the character he played in 'Attack of the Pin-up Boys'. The nerdy looking dude that was, basically, a hatin' bully? It intrigued me that way.
A few people read this for me prior to my posting it and offered their opinion. ♥ I'd love them for it forever if I remembered who exactly they were. (Kie, Allen, & Dawn I think...?)