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text; striderismo May 16 2011, 17:39:24 UTC
maybe once

this is one of those cases where theres a fine line between ironic and cool

either way i never wanted to start out with a fucking crow


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text; striderismo May 16 2011, 21:42:32 UTC
more importantly im guessing its all there is to do in this place
so i dont really have much choice

its called a murkrow


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[TEXT] striderismo May 16 2011, 21:29:07 UTC
wrong fuckface
i totally remember every second of being here before


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[TEXT] striderismo May 16 2011, 21:43:59 UTC
slow the queertrain down a sec

im not sure which to ask about
the fact that youve seen them or the fact that youve seen them more than once


Text; usedtherapy May 15 2011, 19:22:25 UTC

Are you serious?

Ugh. Apathetic reply is go.]]

Welcome back to Johto, Strider.
The bag "mother" gave you, if you have not already given it a thorough examination, contains potions in case your Pokemon gets hurt.
It contains other necessities for you, but I'll allow you to find them.
Once you reach Cherrygrove after traveling through Route 29, do be sure to stock up on antidotes as well, as you will likely need them.
If you do plan on challenging the gyms, your first gym is in Violet, and his Pokemon are level 30 and up, so do be sure to train seriously.
Jade is currently in Azalea, John and myself are on our way to Goldenrod.
There is quite the handful of trolls from our universe, so do expect them.
We've all been pulled from different points in our timelines, so do not expect everyone to be on the same page on you.
If you've any further questions, feel free to ask. I've been here for three months now, and wouldn't doubt having the answer.
Though I'm sure you, of all people, wouldn't need my help, so I won't worry.


Text; striderismo May 16 2011, 21:31:46 UTC
[ Of course she's here. Why wouldn't she be? And why wouldn't she be a smug bitch about having gotten here before him? ]

you could always write me a walkthrough
wherein some wizards have gay sex or something

cant promise id read it but i bet it might make you feel better


Text; usedtherapy May 18 2011, 08:30:23 UTC
If you'd like, I could record my notes into a memo and send that to you, actually.
Most are on the topic of breeding, so I'm uncertain if you would care for those or not, however if you wish I will take a moment to do so.
And honestly
If you're craving a homosexual fix that bad, I am sure John will be more than willing to offer you a bromantic hug once you catch up.
That will more than suffice, won't it?


Text; striderismo May 19 2011, 00:25:52 UTC
is that what youve been up to

pretty sure even talking to john is enough to sate my homoromantic appetite
but thanks for the tip


usedwindything May 15 2011, 19:34:29 UTC
[Why can't John bring himself to be as excited about this as he should be?]

man, you never give me a chance to miss you properly do you?
will there ever come a time when you disappear and actually stay gone for more than a week?
i think not.
welcome back, dave.
it's good to see your lame-ass red text again.


striderismo May 16 2011, 21:33:31 UTC
[ Because Johto has jaded him and he now has abandonment issues lurking on the fringes of his psyche? ]

cant leave your ass unsupervised for more than a week
thats just asking for trouble

anyway thanks
guess ill try not to disappear too soon
sounds like i do that a lot


usedwindything May 16 2011, 23:40:57 UTC
[...quite possibly. If only she could get him to talk, Rose would have a field day.]

darn, you caught me.
i was going to wreak havoc with all my ghost pokemon if you hadn't shown up in the next few days.
you are johto's savior, dave.
it is you.

please don't disappear again though.
lame as you are, i can't help but miss you.
because you are just so irresistible.


striderismo May 18 2011, 01:32:59 UTC
[ Oh, I'm sure. Poor kid. ♥ ]

ghost pokemon
whose brilliant idea was it to give you ghosts
its a damn good thing im here

dont even worry about it egbert
youll have all the strider you can handle

which isnt much so be careful with this shit


p2iioniichacker May 15 2011, 19:50:16 UTC
w0w, this place must just l0ve y0u.
it just can't leave y0u al0ne.


striderismo May 16 2011, 21:34:36 UTC
this place and every other place


p2iioniichacker May 17 2011, 01:44:32 UTC
heh, y0u sure ab0ut that?


striderismo May 18 2011, 01:33:49 UTC
pretty sure lohac didnt kick me out
im just in high demand

youd think the supply would hold up though


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