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p2iioniichacker May 15 2011, 19:50:16 UTC
w0w, this place must just l0ve y0u.
it just can't leave y0u al0ne.


striderismo May 16 2011, 21:34:36 UTC
this place and every other place


p2iioniichacker May 17 2011, 01:44:32 UTC
heh, y0u sure ab0ut that?


striderismo May 18 2011, 01:33:49 UTC
pretty sure lohac didnt kick me out
im just in high demand

youd think the supply would hold up though


p2iioniichacker May 18 2011, 02:17:20 UTC
yeah, see, this place already kicked y0u 0ut twice s0 i think that y0u might n0t be as in demand as y0u think you are.


striderismo May 18 2011, 03:14:23 UTC
it didnt kick me out
i just had other shit to do
public appearances to make
wishes that needed fulfilling
somewhere worlds away a little orphan girl was wishing she could shine my shoes
who am i to tell her no


p2iioniichacker May 18 2011, 04:16:45 UTC
lma0, are y0u seri0usly that full 0f y0urself?? this is just hilari0us t0 hear.


striderismo May 19 2011, 00:29:49 UTC
im not the only one full of me either
but youll have to take my word for it because i dont kiss and tell


p2iioniichacker May 19 2011, 03:45:14 UTC
ehehehe, 0k, whatever y0u say c00l-kid.
i really d0n't think i need t0 hear ab0ut y0ur weird human habits th0ugh.


striderismo May 19 2011, 18:24:03 UTC
somehow im sure my human habits arent half as weird as your troll ones
but im gonna take your word for that and leave it alone


p2iioniichacker May 19 2011, 18:30:25 UTC
yeah, that s0unds like a fair deal.


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