Edited: You guys are awesome and got them all!!! \0/
Because I'm sitting in a hotel room which lacks entertainment, it's perfect time for a Meme
Snagged from
queenmidalah 1) Post a list of up to 20 books/movies/anime/TV shows/video games/bands [fannish etc.] that you've had an obsessive fannish love or interest in at some time in your life
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Comments 65
1) Dean
2) Ezra
3) Methos
4) Jayne
5) Shawn
6) Aragorn
7) Sheppard
8) Buffy
9) 10th Doctor
10) Captain Jack Harkness
11) Don't know the Teen Titans
12) Simon
13) Elizabeth Bennett
14) Which version of Star Trek?
15) Jack O'neill
16) Don't know Quantum Leap
17) Wolverine
18) Never saw Timeline
19) Haven't read The Belgariad
20) Brennan
How did I do?
2) Ezra- yep
3) Methos - Nope but he's second
4) Jayne- yep
5) Shawn - Nope
6) Aragorn- Nope
7) Sheppard- Nope
8) Buffy- Nope
9) 10th Doctor- Nope
10) Captain Jack Harkness - Nope
11) Don't know the Teen Titans
12) Simon - Nope - It's a contestant
13) Elizabeth Bennett- yep
14) Which version of Star Trek? Let's go with the Movie but I have a favorite from Next gen too - either one
15) Jack O'neill - Nope
16) Don't know Quantum Leap
17) Wolverine - Nope
18) Never saw Timeline
19) Haven't read The Belgariad
20) Brennan - Nope
You got 4! but a lot of #2 choices
I'm trying to do this, but it's hard! I can list 20 fannish things easily, but it's trying to find ones that I only have one real favorite, or it isn't obvious... Like Grey's Anatomy, I like multiple characters, and Castle is an easy one...
I'm going to guess Beast for #17
I did this meme, too. Mine should be easy ;)
Runs to check out your list...
6 - Eowyn?
19 - not sure, but I'll do a double guess of either Silk or Belgarath
14 - reboot, I'd go for McCoy
umm that'll do for now
6) Nope
14) Yep - Never was a fan of McCoy before but I adore Karl Urban in the role
19) Yes Silk -
Well done 3/4!
5. Lassiter?
14. Bones...
21. Dinozzo?
Haha I have no idea D: All the ones I knew have been guessed xDD
5) Nope
14) Yep Karl's version
21) Of Course Tony!! :)
3/4 good job! It's ok you got credit too
7) Stargate: Atlantis -Rodney?
8) Buffy: The vampire Slayer -Xander?
12) American idol - Adam? or maybe Kris?
15) Stargate: SG-1 -Daniel?
7) Yep
8) Yep
12) nope
15) Yep
Good guessing!
LOTR - Boromir?
American Idol - David Cook?
I figured all someone would have to do was check my Icons because I have ones of almost all my favorites. :)
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