It's Meme time in Alabama

Oct 28, 2009 19:07

Edited: You guys are awesome and got them all!!! \0/

Because I'm sitting in a hotel room which lacks entertainment, it's perfect time for a Meme

Snagged from queenmidalah

1) Post a list of up to 20 books/movies/anime/TV shows/video games/bands [fannish etc.] that you've had an obsessive fannish love or interest in at some time in your life.
2) Have your f-list guess your favorite character/member from each item.
3) When someone guesses correctly, strikethrough the item and put the name of your favorite character next to it.

1) Supernatural: Dean by ninjababe
2) Magnificent7: Ezra by ninjababe
3) Highlander: Richie by aeron_lanart &strainconductor
4) Firefly: Jayne by ninjababe
5) Psych: Gus by spastic_visions
6) Lord of the Rings: Boromir by pezgirl7
7) Stargate: Atlantis: Rodney by pezgirl7
8) Buffy: The Vampire Slayer: Xander by pezgirl7
9) Dr. Who: Donna by aislinamara
10) Torchwood: Ianto by spastic_visions
11) The Teen Titans: Roy Harper aka Speedy aka Arsenal aka Red Arrow by Sparrowwritings
12) American idol: David Cook by by pezgirl7
13) Pride and Prejudice: Lizzie Bennet by ninjababe
14) Star Trek : Karl Urban's McCoy by aeron_lanart &strainconductor
15) Stargate: SG-1 : Daniel by pezgirl7
16) Quantum Leap: Al by by dnalia
17) The X-men: Gambit by kaylashay81
18) Timeline - Movie: Andre (Gerry Butler) By caitymom
19) The Belgariad by David Eddings.:Silk by aeron_lanart
20) Bones: Hodgins by queenmidalah
21) NCIS: Tony by strainconductor

Edited to add #21 because - seriously how did I forget that one

fandom, meme

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