Hell Hath No Fury (6/8) - SPN/Mag7/HL

Sep 23, 2009 15:09

Title: Hell Hath No Fury - (6/8)
Author: strangevisitor7
Fandom/Universe: Supernatural, Magnificent 7; In the Aces Immortal Highlander AU
Beta: ithildyn
Rating: PG-13 for violence
Characters: From SPN: Dean and Sam Winchester. From Mag7: Vin Tanner, Ezra Standish, Buck Wilmington, JD Dunne, Nathan Jackson, Josiah Sanchez and Inez Rocillos; OFC - Cecily Desjardins; Vin/Cecily

Summary: What if Sam and Dean were hunters in the Old West? The Winchesters are chasing something evil which is leaving a trail of bodies across the southwest. The hunt leads them to Four Corners and a meeting with the lawmen who protect the town.

Chapter List:
Chapter 1; Chapter 2; Chapter 3; Chapter 4; Chapter 5; Chapter 6; Chapter 7; Chapter 8

Hell Hath No Fury: Chapter 6

Dean shrugged off Buck and Nathan's hold as he headed down the steps. He was angry and confused about what had just occurred. Maybe Sam had been right and going in there guns blazing hadn't been the best idea. While he was still positive that Ezra was hiding something, he was less convinced that it had anything to do with the evil they were hunting.

They had no idea where this thing had gone, but it had to be here in town; Dean was sure of it. If it hadn't infected Cecily, and if it could have left at anytime, why had it stayed for hours in Inez? What had changed that allowed it to move on?

Buck prodded him. "Horses are that way." He pointed to the livery. "Get going."

Dean whirled, getting in Buck's face. "You poke me again, and so help me - "

Buck pushed Dean away. "You'll what?"

Dean clenched his fist, but was stopped from acting when Sam grabbed his wrist. "Let it go!" he hissed in his brother's ear.

He grunted in frustration as he allowed Sam pulled him away from Buck. "We're not leaving," he growled.

"Just," Sam stared his brother down, "just let me handle it."

"Boys, I think it's best if you go," Josiah said. It was clear that he didn't really want them too.

"I understand you're protecting Ezra." Sam held up a hand to stop Josiah's protest. "I believe you when you say he's not involved, and we'll respect your wishes to stay away from him, but you have to let us help you find this thing."

"Thing?" Nathan interjected. "Whatcha mean thing? That's the second time you've used that word. Thought Inez was drugged or sick. That's what ya told Vin."

The three hunters exchanged a look and Dean gestured for Josiah to take the lead. They were his friends after all, and it was probably time to tell them the truth. It might even give him and Sam the leverage they needed to not only stay in town, but find out about Ezra. And regardless of what Sam had promised, he was going to get to the bottom of that situation too.

Josiah nodded. "I think - "

His words were cut off as the sound of a small caliber gunshot pierced the air.

For a split second no one breathed, and then as one they raced toward the steps to the clinic, Buck leading the way. Before they reached the top another gunshot rang out.

"Shit!" Dean said as he followed Buck into the room.

Cecily was straddling Vin, hands clasped around his neck as she choked the life out of him. Vin was trying in vain to bat her arms away, but a bullet wound in his right shoulder had rendered that arm useless.

Buck raced over and grabbing her from behind, pinning her arms to her side as he yanked her away from Vin while Dean reached for her legs.

Dean grunted as one of her high heeled boots impacted his shin. "Rope!" he yelled as he struggled to maintain his hold on the violent woman. "We need to tie her up!"

"NO!" she screeched. "He has to die! All men have to die! You're all bastards!"

The two men were losing their hold on Cecily as she fought to break free.

"A little help here!" Buck yelled.

"Don't touch me! Don't touch me!"

"We need to knock her out!" Sam raised his gun and brought it down on Cecily's head.

She slumped against Buck, out cold. Dean loosened his grip and helped Buck maneuver Cecily into a chair. Josiah, having found some rope, began tying her up.

The task finished, Dean took a deep breath and let it out as he surveyed the room. Nathan was already at Vin's side, and with Sam's help had moved the injured man onto the bed.

"Buck, get some tea going. Vin's throat's gonna be awful sore."

"Sure thing, Nathan." Buck busied himself preparing the brew.

Help me get his coat and shirt off," the healer said to Sam. "Need to see how bad he's hurt."

Vin was groggy, but conscious, and hissed as his clothing was removed.

"Looks like it went through the fleshy part of your upper arm. You were lucky it was a small bullet, still gonna need stitched though."

Josiah had moved to kneel by Ezra's body. It was then that Dean realized that one of the shots had ended the man's life. Dean walked over and laid a hand on Josiah's shoulder.

"I'm sorry for your loss, Josiah," he said softly. "I guess I was wrong about him."

"Get them out of here, Buck," Vin gasped out, his voice weak from his ordeal.

"You can't be serious?" Sam said. "After this, you need our help."

"He's right, Vin," Josiah said. "I thought Cecily was fine, but she's possessed by evil and I need their help to figure out how to purge it from her."

"What do you mean possessed; like a demon?" Nathan asked.

"Actually, Josiah performed the exorcism rites on Inez and it didn't work; so we're pretty sure it's not a demon," Sam explained. "But something is controlling her and we need to figure out what it is before it has a chance to jump to someone else."

"That's crazy!" Buck said. "Josiah, you don't actually believe this?"

"I do, brother." The preacher nodded solemnly as he stood. "There's a world of evil out there; demons, ghosts, the stuff of nightmares, and I spent much of my youth fighting it." He turned his attention to Vin. "But I ain't never seen anything like what's got control of Cecily. I need their help."

Buck looked over at the unconscious woman. "To hear Inez and Cecily speak and act like they done - well - I guess I'm willing to believe something evil is at work."

Vin shook his head and glared at Josiah before shifting his eyes to Ezra. "Whatever it is we'll handle it, but they need to go," he rasped and swallowed roughly.

"I know you think so, Vin, but maybe it's time to stop worrying about our secrets and just let these boys save Cecily."

Dean could see that Vin was conflicted, the girl obviously meant a lot to him. He nodded at Sam to play the diplomat; it was what his brother did best.

"I know you've lost one of your own," Sam said sympathetically. "And we respect that, but if we don't figure out what's controlling Cecily, you may be burying more people. And she may not survive the ordeal."

Vin's eye went wide at the idea that Cecily might die and looked to Josiah. Dean saw a silent understanding pass between them.

"I'll take full responsibility," Josiah said.

"Damn right you will, Josiah." Vin tilted his head toward Cecily as he addressed the Winchesters. "Help her, please."


Vin couldn't bring himself to really look at Cecily. If the Winchesters were to be believed, she wasn't responsible for the things she’d said, but that didn't stop them from hurting.

He and Cecily had been courting a few weeks; yet, he had worried daily that she would change her mind and realize that he wasn't the kind of man for her.

"You sure it’s a good idea to let them stay?" Nathan whispered, bringing Vin out of his misery.

There was more at stake here than his relationship with Cecily and he needed to stay focused on that.

"Let's just hope they get it figured out quick." He looked at his shoulder as Nathan finished up the stitches. "Can't believe she shot me," he said sadly.

Nathan patted his arm and handed Vin his shirt. "She wasn't herself, Vin."

Vin wanted to believe that Nathan was right, but he couldn't shake the feeling that the words had come from somewhere inside Cecily, and only in her crazed state had she told the truth.

They fell into silence as the voices across the room garnered their attention.

Dean, Sam and Josiah were standing in front of Cecily, debating their next move.

"I'm at a loss, boys," Josiah said. "We've checked iron, silver and demonic possession. Even though I cut Inez, Cecily isn't wounded, so it can't be blood transfer."

"So we're back to cursed object," Dean insisted. "I say we strip her down and burn everything she's wearing; clothes, jewelry, all of it."

Vin jumped to his feet and pushed his way between the brothers. "You ain't stripping her nekked."

"We have to get rid of the thing that's cursed," Dean shot back.

"You don't know for sure what this object is, and until you do you ain't touching her!"

"Fine." Dean stepped back, hands up. "You tell us what to burn and we'll burn it."

Vin glared at Dean before turning his attention to Cecily. It pained him to see her this way; unconscious and tied up. He furrowed his brow in confusion as he noticed that she was wearing the cameo that Ezra had shown him last night.

"What?" Sam asked having noticed the look on Vin's face

"Don't know if it matters, but Ezra told me he gave that necklace to Inez." He pointed to the cameo around Cecily's neck. "And I saw she was wearing it when I was on jail duty this morning. I don't understand how Cecily got it."

"Where'd Ezra get the necklace?" Sam asked.

Vin noticed a look pass between the brothers, and Vin knew they were back to thinking that Ezra was responsible for everything.

"Ezra ain't at fault," he growled. "He won it off a fella that was passing through, and gave it ta Inez 'cause she thought it was pretty."

"Was the man from Eagle Bend?" When Vin nodded, Sam smiled. "It has to be the cameo then."

"Why?" Buck asked.

Sam quickly explained to Vin, Nathan and Buck about the pattern of deaths they'd been following. "The real reason we came to town was because we suspected that there was a cursed object being unwittingly transferred from town to town."

"You make it sound like this object is conscious; knows what it's doing," Nathan said.

"They kinda do." Sam shrugged and at their quizzical looks continued, "Cursed objects often have compulsions placed on them. In this case, the cameo made women attack men they cared about."

Dean picked up the thread of exposition. "Once Inez attacked Ezra, she was locked up and had fulfilled her usefulness. The curse must have seen Cecily as a way out, and Inez was compelled to pass the necklace along."

Sam nodded. "It's the only explanation for why Cecily now has the cameo."

Vin knew he should be more skeptical about the story that the Winchesters were telling. On the other hand, he worked every day with a man who couldn’t die; so was it really that much of a stretch to believe that curses existed? He looked at Buck and Nathan, and he knew that they were having the same thought.

Josiah shook his head. "But I'm sure Cecily wasn't wearing the cameo when I first examined her."

Sam hesitated as he thought the situation through. "Then it was in her pocket or in the folds of her dress. I'm sure Inez planted it on her, and eventually she felt compelled to put it on, allowing the entity to take over to attack Vin and Ezra."

"Is it really that easy after everything that's happened?" Josiah asked. "We simply have to burn the necklace?"

"Only one way to find out." Dean reached for the necklace.

"Wait, Dean," Sam said, grabbing his wrist. "We need to wake her up and make sure she's still in its thrall before we remove it. Just to be sure."

"On the floor!" came a disgruntled voice from the other side of the bed. "Couldn't one of you gentlemen at least put me back in the bed?"

Damn! Vin thought. He knew, that having seen Ezra's dead body, they'd be unable to keep the Immortal's secret from the Winchesters, but Vin had hoped they'd have more time to figure out how to explain the situation to Dean and Sam.

"What the hell?" Dean barked as he whirled around to see a very much alive Ezra Standish stand up and begin straightening his bloody shirt. Dean pulled his gun and found it immediately covered by Josiah's hand.

"Let's not be too hasty," Josiah said. "You were right we were protecting Ezra, but it's not what you think."

Dean holstered his weapon and indicated to Josiah that he was willing to wait for an explanation. Vin was grateful that the hotheaded Winchester brother seemed to be ready to trust them.

Ezra froze as he registered Dean and Sam's presence in the room. He flicked his gaze to Vin. "Why are they still here?" he asked as he massaged his temples, and Vin knew Ezra was trying to overcome the lethargy that always seemed to accompany his resurrection.

"Sorry about them being here, Ezra." He tilted his head towards the Winchesters. "But with Cecily shooting you and me, we kind of needed their help to figure out what was happening."

Ezra's eyes went wide as the memories from before his death came into focus. "Cecily! She shot you?"

"She was out of control, Ez," Vin said as his hand touched his throat. It was still sore, but the memory of the hatred in Cecily's eyes as she tried to kill him was so much more painful. "Tried ta choke me. We had to tie her up."

It was then that Ezra noticed Cecily tied to the chair and stepped quickly to be by her side, but Dean and Sam blocked his way.

"I suggest you gentlemen move and allow me access to my sister." The gambler's eyes were dark and his tone threatening.

"Why don't you tell us what you are first?" Sam said calmly, trying to head off another confrontation. "You all say it's not connected to what's affecting her, but I'm not willing to let you near her without understanding exactly how it is you're still alive."

"No!" Vin said, getting tired of the conflict. All that mattered was Cecily: not Ezra's feelings and certainly not what the Winchesters wanted. "First you help Cecily, and then I promise we'll explain why Ez ain't dead."

Ezra turned and raised an eyebrow at his watcher. "Are we sharing my secrets with everyone these days?"

"Got no choice," Josiah said. "Now boys," he gestured at the Winchesters, "let's finish this."

buck wilmington, vin tanner, mag7, dean winchester, supernatural, aces immortal, ezra standish, sam winchester, josiah sanchez, nathan jackson, highlander, my fic, inez rocillos, cecily desjardins (oc), jd dunne

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