Hell Hath No Fury (2/8)- SPN/HL/Mag7 - Aces Immortal 'Verse

Sep 11, 2009 09:56

Title: Hell Hath No Fury - (2/8)
Author: strangevisitor7
Fandom/Universe: Supernatural (AU), Magnificent 7; In the Aces Immortal Highlander AU
Beta: ithildyn
Prompt:: #93 Thanksgiving for crossovers100
Rating: PG-13 for violence
Characters: From SPN: Dean and Sam Winchester. From Mag7: Vin Tanner, Ezra Standish, Buck Wilmington, JD Dunne, Nathan Jackson, Josiah Sanchez and Inez Rocillos

Summary: What if Sam and Dean were hunters in the Old West? The Winchesters are chasing something evil which is leaving a trail of bodies across the southwest. The hunt leads them to Four Corners and a meeting with the seven lawmen who protect the town.

A/N: This is part of the Aces Immortal series created by me and ithildyn, which means that Ezra Standish is Immortal in this story. (But Dean is not - just to be clear)

Chapter List:
Chapter 1; Chapter 2; Chapter 3; Chapter 4; Chapter 5; Chapter 6; Chapter 7; Chapter 8

Hell Hath No Fury: Chapter 2

Four Corners - New Mexico Territory

It had been a good evening at the poker tables for Ezra Standish. The local cow hands had lost just enough to keep them coming back for more. As for the stranger, Mr. Dansing, who had gotten off the stage - well, it wasn't his fault if the man didn't know when to fold.

Ezra tossed several chips into the pot for a raise and as the others folded, he turned his attention to Dansing. If the man had any sense he'd fold too, but he had yet to show that he had that kind of intelligence. "It's your bet, sir," Ezra said.

Dansing ran a hand across his face before reaching into his pocket. "I don't suppose you'd take this instead of money?" He held up a delicately carved cameo necklace.

Ezra was about to state that it was not his policy to deal in trade when Inez stepped up to the table to deliver the latest round of drinks. "Oh, Señor Standish, that is beautiful," she exclaimed.

He smiled at the barmaid. "Do you like it?"

"Very much," she said. She set the drinks down before retreating back to the bar.

Inez had helped him turn the Standish Tavern into a most successful business venture. If she liked the necklace than he would win it for her. After all, she deserved a bonus for all the hard work she'd put in as the saloon's manager. He looked back at Dansing. "It seems that under the circumstances, I am willing to forgo my normal inclination and accept your trinket in lieu of cash."

The man smiled and placed the jewelry into the pot. "Beat that, fancy man!" Dansing said as he laid his cards down with a flourish; a flush.

Ezra sighed at the poor deluded fool. "I shall," he said as he turned over a full house.

The man sputtered his indignation and it was clear that Dansing intended to do something stupid, such as accuse him of cheating. "That's impossible!" he shouted as he stood pointing an accusing finger at Ezra. "I had that hand won!"

Suddenly, Vin was at the irate man’s shoulder. "Everythin' ok here, Ezra?" he drawled.

Ezra chuckled when Dansing practically leapt out of his skin as he turned to face the man behind him.

"I believe that Mr. Dansing was just leaving."

Dansing looked from the tracker, who had casually placed a hand on his gun, to Ezra, who was now standing his coat open to reveal his own side arm, and nodded. "Don't want no trouble," he said. "I'll be going."

The man bolted through the batwing doors and into the night.

Vin chuckled. "You have quite an effect on people, doncha."

"I believe it was you more than me who encouraged his flight," Ezra said. Then turning to the others at the table he continued, "Gentleman, on that note I think that I will call it a night."

As other men vacated the table, Vin plopped himself down at one of the now empty chairs watching Ezra gather up his winnings. "Thank you for your assistance, Vin."

"Anytime, Ez." He glanced toward the entrance. "They never learn do they?"

Ezra smiled. "My future solvency is dependent on the fact that they never learn to quit while they are ahead."

Vin laughed. "Since when do you take barter at the table?" he asked, eyeing the cameo that Ezra held.

"I don't usually," he admitted. "One can never be sure of the value of such objects, nor if they might be sold for a profit, but it seems that the lovely Senorita has expressed an interest in the trinket and I could not refuse her."

Vin quirked an eyebrow at him. "Thinking of moving in on Buck's territory?"

"I assure you that I have no interest in Senorita Inez in that way, and as for Buck - well, she has no interest in him."

"Too bad Bucklin ain't figured that out yet." Vin laughed and stood. "Guess I'll be going," he tipped his hat, "see ya in the mornin'"

"Not too early," Ezra called and heard the tracker's chuckle drift back to him as he passed through the batwing doors

It was well past midnight by the time the tavern emptied out. Sighing, Ezra began collecting the dirty glassware to aid Inez in the closing of the establishment. Being the owner did not save him from some of the more mundane tasks associated with the business.

He left the glassware on the bar and went to find Inez. He wanted to gift her with the necklace and was looking forward to her reaction.

"A good night, Señor ?" she asked, not bothering to look up from her sweeping.

Ezra leaned against the counter. "I would say a rather excellent night at that." He held up the necklace. "In fact, it has been a rather good year, and I believe that the manager of this establishment has earned a bonus."

Inez stopped as she caught the glint of gold in the lamp light. "For me?" She sent him a quizzical look as she set the broom aside to step forward.

Ezra smiled. "I assure you this is no more than a monetary transaction. A bonus to your salary for all the hard work you have done."

"It's beautiful." She studied the object as Ezra held it up for her to see. Inez smiled. "I accept this lovely bonus." Turning she held up her hair. "Would you mind, Señor Standish?"

"I would be honored." Ezra carefully tied the cameo around Inez's neck.

She turned around, a huge smile on her face as she leaned in to plant a chaste kiss on his cheek. "Thank you," she said, her hand straying to stroke the delicate carving. "I love it."

"I am glad." Ezra was pleased that such a small gesture meant so much to the beautiful barmaid.

As he watched, her hand continued to caress the cameo, the smile fading from her face.

"You men are all the same," she said softly.

"I'm sorry?" he said, sure he hadn't heard her correctly. "Is something wrong, Senorita?" Ezra was puzzled by the blank look on her face.

Inez didn't answer; instead she turned mechanically and retreated to the counter, her back to him. "You think a gift entitles you to more that you deserve," she hissed.

Ezra was shocked by her accusation. "Senorita, the necklace carries no obligations. It is simply a gesture of gratitude for all you have done…"

"Liar!" she screeched and came at him. Too late, Ezra saw the butcher knife in her hand as she plunged it into his stomach.

Shocked by the suddenness of the attack, he was unable to prevent her from twisting the knife in his gut. Clamping down on the pain, he used all his strength to push her away, sending her to the floor. His mind was in turmoil as to what had precipitated such a vicious attack. She had a wild look in her eye as she gained her feet.

"Inez! Why are you doing this?" he asked, backing away from the furious woman

Inez screamed in frustration. "You must be taught a lesson!"

As she moved toward him again, blade raised to strike, Ezra triggered his derringer. The sight of the gun did nothing to slow her advance. Not wanting to hurt her, he fired over her head as he continued to stagger away, but still, she moved toward him.

Ezra could feel his life draining away, but hoped that even at this late hour, one of his friends would hear the shot and come running. He willed himself not to die in front of Inez. While he knew that his Immortality would revive him, his death at her hands would trigger an unwanted series of events which might lead to her execution if he had to maintain the illusion of his demise. Still, Ezra could not bring himself to wound her even if it meant his survival.

She did not even flinch as he sent the second bullet into the ceiling. And then she was on him again, knife plunging into his shoulder. He collapsed to the floor under the onslaught, no longer having the energy to push her away.

Inez continued to scream nonsensical accusations at him as she stabbed the knife again into his gut. "Now you see how it feels!"

"Inez," he gasped, "please…stop!" He coughed, bringing up blood as she pulled out the blade preparing to strike at his heart. Ezra closed his eyes, bracing for the fatal blow, when he felt her weight disappear from his body.

Peering through blurry eyes, he saw Vin and Josiah struggling with the crazed women. It was getting harder to stay conscious and he knew the end was closing in.

"Ez, you still with me?" Relief flooded through him at the sound of Vin's voice.


"Shush, pard. Do what ya need to, you're safe." Ezra was comforted that Vin was giving him permission to die.

"Inez?" he whispered.

"Had to knock her out. We'll figure this out when ya get back."

Ezra tried to nod his understanding, but his head wouldn't cooperate. Grateful that his friend was watching out for him, Ezra closed his eyes and let death take him.


Vin surveyed the scene around him trying, to understand why Inez had killed Ezra and then attacked him and Josiah as they'd pulled her away from the gambler.

Buck, Nathan and JD came barreling in, guns drawn. "It's all over boys," Vin said. With Chris and Charlotte off on their honeymoon, Vin was in charge. His first duty was to protect Ezra's secret and then he'd worry about what had set Inez off. "Nathan, we need to get Ezra up to the clinic before anyone finds out he's dead."

Nathan immediately knelt beside Ezra. "He's really dead," he said, feeling for the non existent pulse.

Josiah came up behind. "He'll be back."

Vin sensed that neither man was entirely comfortable with that thought. Even though he'd seen Ezra resurrect twice, there was the niggling doubt that maybe it wouldn't work this time.

"Someone think Ezra cheated him?" Buck asked, his tone grim. "Do we need to ride out?"

Vin realized that the new arrivals hadn't noticed Inez unconscious in the corner, so intent had they been on Ezra's beaten and bloodied body.

Vin shook his head as he stepped up to Buck, prepared to share news he knew the bigger man was not going to like. "Don't rightly know yet, but Inez is the one that killed Ezra. Josiah and I had to pull her off of him."

Buck looked at him like he was crazy before his gaze wandered to where Inez lay. Without a word Buck rushed to the barmaid's side and gently folded her into his arms.

"Buck, we need to put her in a cell," Vin explained, "until we know the truth of what happened."

"NO! Ain't no way she did that to Ezra." He gestured at his friend's ravaged body.

"She did, brother. Vin and I pulled her off Ezra and took the knife from her hand."

Buck stood and glared at the preacher. "Well you musta seen wrong."

"Back off, Buck." Vin stepped between the two men, "You weren't there; you didn’t see her try to stab Josiah before he got the knife away from her." Vin's tone was harsh and he did his best imitation of the Larabee glare.

Buck backed away, but the anger in his eyes did not abate. "I ain't gonna let you lock her up."

"Ain't got no more time to argue. This is how it's gonna be." He pointed to Josiah and JD. "You two get her in a cell. Buck, if you ain't helping, then stay outta the way. Nathan and I need ta get Ezra outta here now!"

The men nodded their acceptance of his authority, even Buck, though he didn't look happy about it.

"What do we tell people about why Inez is in jail?" JD asked. "'Cause I'm with Buck, don't see why she would have done it without a reason."

Vin hadn't considered what the town's people might assume if they locked up the barmaid, but given Inez's crazed behavior he didn't want her running around loose until they knew why she'd stabbed Ezra. "Tell'em Inez attacked Ezra and until he wakes up we don't know the whole story." It was the truth and that was the best he had for now.

"I'll see it's done," Josiah told Vin as he moved to help a reluctant and angry Buck with Inez.

Nathan had thrown Ezra's arm over his shoulder and hoisted the dead man upright. Vin moved to the other side and they made their way out of the back of the saloon trying to maintain the illusion that their friend was merely injured and not deceased.

"How long you figure we got?" Nathan asked.

Vin hoped Ezra would wake up soon. He really wanted an explanation. It had been over an hour when the Immortal had been shot, but the damage to Ezra's gut made him think it would be a much longer recovery this time.

"Don't know." Vin shook his head. "Let's just move before anyone sees us."

He damn well wasn't going let Ezra's secret be discovered and have the gambler forced to leave town. Vin knew he'd be going too, because there was no way he was gonna face Chris and Charlotte if he failed in his duty as Ezra's friend and watcher.


Buck pushed past Josiah, and kneeling, he lifted the unconscious woman into his arms. "I don't like this. No sir, don't like it at all."

"I know, brother," Josiah said as he walked beside Buck through the saloon. "But Vin's right. Until we know what happened, it's safer for everyone if she's in a cell."

JD was trailing along behind them. "What could have possessed her to do such a thing?" he asked. "I mean it just don't make sense."

Josiah stopped and looked back at their youngest member. "What did you say,JD?"

"I said it don't make sense."

"No before that. You asked what could have possessed her - " Josiah's voice trailed off and his hand went to his pocket where the telegram from the Winchester brothers lay. He'd received the simple inquiry at the end of the day, too late to send a reply that all was well. Now watching Buck carrying Inez into the jail, he wondered if the Winchesters might be on the trail of the very thing that was affecting Inez. Her behavior when he'd found her kneeling over Ezra, knife in hand, had been so crazed that Josiah knew in his gut that it wasn't the barmaid controlling actions of her body.

As soon as the telegraph office opened in the morning, he'd send for the brothers hoping that they could get here in time before what ever it was destroyed Inez.

"Something wrong, Josiah?" JD asked.

"No - maybe," he replied, distracted by thoughts he couldn't share with his friends. "Let’s just get this done."

Josiah entered the jail to see Buck laying Inez gently down on the tattered mattress. Locking the door, Buck stood watching her, hands gripping the bars.

"Maybe I should get Nathan to look at her," JD suggested. "Not like Ezra really needs him and she's been out for a while."

"Actually JD, might be a good idea for you to ride out to the Black place and let Miss Cecily know what's happened to Ezra. Folk will be wondering if she doesn't come in to see how he is," Josiah said. "I'll stay with Buck."

"We gotta pretend like Ezra's hurt bad, don't we?"

Josiah nodded. "Can’t be sure who heard the shots or might have seen Nathan and Vin carrying him. And JD," he called as the kid headed for the door. "Don't tell anyone about Ezra unless they ask and don't embellish."

JD nodded his understanding as he left.

Josiah turned his attention back to Buck, who hadn’t moved from his vigilant stance in front of Inez's prison.

"Buck, can I trust you stay here alone with Inez and not let her out?" Josiah had some books back at the church he wanted to review. He thought there were a few things he could try; incantations he could recite that might make all this go away. That is if she were truly possessed, but he couldn't leave if he couldn't trust Buck to do his duty.

Buck turned to look at him "Sure I'll take care of her. Don't you worry none." He smiled and Josiah knew the man was lying.

"Uh huh." Josiah grunted and stepped toward Buck. In one swift motion, he snagged the keys from Buck's hand and pushed him into the vacant cell.

"Josiah!" Buck tried to fight back but the former preacher wrapped him up in a fierce bear hug. "Let me go!"

With a final shove, Josiah sent Buck tumbling onto the bed and then locked the cell shut. "I'll be right back, so why don't you get some rest. I'm sure Nathan will be here any minute to check on Inez."

"Josiah! Don't do this. You know Inez didn't do nothing wrong. Ezra must a made her mad."

"Mad enough that if it had been anyone of us, we'd be dead?" Josiah stared at Buck, who finally looked away and collapsed onto the cot at the back of the cell.

"It don't make sense."

Josiah grimaced. "No it doesn't." But then the supernatural rarely did in his experience. Josiah had been a young man when the things that prowl the darkness invaded his world and destroyed his family.

His sister had gone wild, some thought crazy. Hannah had changed overnight from a loving sister into a wanton woman who disobeyed her family and shamed them with her behavior.

Then Bobby Singer had ridden into town and explained that she was possessed. Josiah had watched as the hunter had pulled the demon from his sister, a sight which he hoped he'd never see again. When it was all over, his father was dead, his sister's mind was gone, and after sequestering Hannah with the holy sisters, he'd left town with Bobby to learn about the real evils in the world.

"Josiah, you ok?" Buck called pulling Josiah from his unpleasant memories.

"No, Buck, I don't reckon that I'm ok at all," he said as he left.

buck wilmington, inez rocios, vin tanner, mag7, dean winchester, supernatural, aces immortal, ezra standish, sam winchester, josiah sanchez, nathan jackson, highlander, my fic, jd dunne

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