More adventures from the Tales of Stupid People, Astronauts vs. Cavemen edition

Jan 23, 2008 10:09

(And remember: it's always okay to knock me off your flist if my journal makes you uncomfortable. Just know that I will mock you until you die from it. NO I WON'T. Yes, yes I will. QUIET, YOU. [/Dwight] I uh... I have the blackest of humors. And rest assured that you've yet to see how black I can go. Yay! ...the Aristocrats! What?) <-- ( Read more... )

tales of stupid people

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Comments 59

redbrickrose January 23 2008, 16:16:49 UTC

And yes. Clearly it is better to think about puppies while masturbating. WAIT WHAT?


stoney321 January 23 2008, 16:19:20 UTC
Personally, I feel that the million year old monkeys do that, hence evolution isn't real. DAMN DIRTY APES.



beer_good_foamy January 23 2008, 16:19:03 UTC
I take it you've seen Fundies Say The Darnedest Things...? :-)


stoney321 January 23 2008, 16:20:02 UTC
Aww, yeah. Too many of those get my blood pressure up, so I have to stick to the bald-face stupid ones. :D


mireille719 January 23 2008, 16:19:55 UTC
Oh, Stoney, I'm in class with people like this. All the time. *headdesk*


stoney321 January 23 2008, 16:26:31 UTC
I find I'm usually in LINE with these people. (Hee! You have my permission to blow spit balls at these people.)

Dear Mireille's Teacher:

Please allow her to mock the stupid. It's the only way they'll learn. (Because you and your kind haven't done their jobs. Or their parents haven't. Maybe a combination of the two.)

Thank you,
Her Online Buddy


mireille719 January 23 2008, 18:40:54 UTC
Best thing of all? (in that sense where "best" means "OH GOD MAKE IT STOP PLEASE") My classmates are nearly all current classroom teachers.


xsnarkasaurus January 23 2008, 18:45:22 UTC

One girl actually said to me, after I said a sentence containing the world "Government" as the largest word in it: "We'd talk to you more if you wouldn't use such big words."

Swear to fucking god.

Of course, my response, before I could censor myself? "If I spoke in words small enough for you to understand, I would quickly go insane, so I guess it's better for us this way, isn't it?"

~beats head on desk~


ljgould January 23 2008, 16:33:22 UTC
You could add Sheri Stringfield(? -- I can never remember her last name.) who said on The View that she wasn't sure she believed the world was round because she couldn't see it. I knew there was a reason I was leaving money in my will to the Flat Earth Society. Then there's a guy who calls himself an evolutionary creationist (can't remember his name, but he recently sold a lovely mastadon skull found near San Antonio) who claims that dinosaurs lived only 10,000 years ago and were killed off by man.

Makes me wonder if a friend of mine isn't right when she says that the only reason humans are on this planet is because we lost the fight for the trees.


southernbangel January 23 2008, 16:38:24 UTC
Hahaha, oh yes. She also said that Christianity predates everything.


She does get that until Jesus CHRIST there was no Christianity, right? They were all heathens up until that point. HAHAHAHA. (I laugh so I don't cry at the stupidity.)


stoney321 January 23 2008, 16:53:31 UTC
Wasn't that woman crazy? She wasn't sure the earth was ROUND. I-

Goodness. That is CRAZY. And hahahaha, I love your friend's comment. THAT IS AWESOME.


southernbangel January 23 2008, 16:34:26 UTC
WHY DO THESE PEOPLE MAKE MY RELIGION LOOK STUPID? I feel like I'm constantly apologizing because these morons are the ones that get the attention. "Uh yeah, I'm a Christian but I'm not one of those Christians. I'm actually sane." GAH. You can be a Christian and believe in evolution. You can be a Christian and be pro-choice, advocate for gay marriage, and so forth. Last time I checked the whole Jesus thing was about loving your neighbor and not condemning them because they have a different lifestyle than you. And do not even get me started on this man and others like him.

Uhm, sorry. I'll get off my soapbox now. :-/


stoney321 January 23 2008, 16:52:32 UTC
Oh, don't worry. All religions have stupid people - it's in its nature. (HEEE.) Hi, remember the cult I belonged to? EXACTLY.

But remember that Queers and Monkeys are not of God. (Um, there was a quote about how "we all know" that apes have an unnatural lust for our women. I think that person took King Kong for a documentary...)


southernbangel January 23 2008, 16:59:24 UTC
I hate people. I really do.


stoney321 January 23 2008, 17:43:05 UTC
But... I'm people, Lee.

I'm... people.


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