RP: He who fights with monsters might take care

Jun 03, 2007 00:34

Date: June 2, 2005
Character(s): Severus Snape, Gilen Lupin, Remus Lupin
Location: Bill's house/Remus' house
Status: Private
Summary: Severus stops by immediately after moonset to collect Remus
Completion: Complete

Severus had spent a tense, wakeful night at Remus Lupin's house. Adamant that the boy not see him as himself, he had brought several doses of his now-limited supply of Gerent-producing Polyjuice Potion with him, and Remus had introduced him to Gilen as John Gerent. Remus had explained that 'Gerent' would watch over him while Remus went to see Bill, and just before he left, Severus had pulled him close, shorter than Remus because of the potion, and pressed their lips together in a kiss that began hard and desperate, and ended up tender and lingering.

Perhaps because of Severus' presence, or perhaps just by his own nature, the boy had been quiet and kept to himself for most of the evening. About an hour before moonrise, Severus had taken him down to the safe room and promised that he would be just outside it. He'd locked and warded the boy in, ignoring the way his stomach clenched at the thought of caging a person, and then he'd sat on the hard stone steps and listened to what was happening inside. Just as the sounds of transformation hit Gilen, a whimper/howl erupting from inside, Severus' own, much subtler and less painful transformation rippled through him, Gerent's features leaving him for the evening as the potion wore off.

Apart from one trip upstairs for a large pot of very strong rooibos and assam tea, Severus had stayed outside the room all night, listening to the whimpers and snuffles emanating from within. It was a strange sensation. Gilen was much younger than Remus had been when Severus had first seen him and realised what he was. And since then, Severus had spent nearly a year's worth of full moons with Remus, the first time they'd been together. He no longer feared werewolves, really. But even so, hearing a feral wolf, even a cub, on the other side of a single door, made the hairs on the back of his hands tingle.

Once the boy had changed back early the next morning, Severus had taken a final dose of Polyjuice Potion and entered the room. Gilen was exhausted, curled limply on the floor and bleeding from several shallow, self-inflicted wounds. He'd barely noticed Snape as he'd glided in, lifting the boy and carrying him up to his room. Severus allowed himself to grumble as he'd climbed the stairs, wondering how on earth his life had reached the point where he was playing nursemaid to the adopted werewolf son of his once-mortal enemy. He'd put Gilen to rest, giving him a child's dose of dreamless sleep draught, and disinfected his wounds quickly and efficiently. Making sure the boy was asleep, he'd immediately Apparated to Bill Weasley's house.

He'd been prepared to kick the door down, if necessary, but it was ajar. That was ominous. Remus, of course, was on Wolfsbane, but Weasley wasn't. Had the man run off? He entered quickly, taking in his surroundings. "REMUS?!" he shouted, unsure where he would find his lover.

may 2005, place: private residence, severus snape, remus lupin

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