RP: The Stoatshead Hill Musical Club

May 17, 2007 19:00

Date: 17 May 2005 (evening)
Characters: Caradoc Dearborn [Cai], Remus Lupin, Adrian Pucey, Arabella Figg, Sanguini, Marietta Edgecomb, NPCs and other Musical Club Members
Location: Remus' home at 6th & A
Status: Semi-Public (Private home, Public Meeting)
Summary: The first meeting of the Stoatshead Hill Musical Club.
Completion: Complete

Music is the universal language of mankind. )

caradoc dearborn, sanguini, marietta edgecombe, may 2005, place: private residence, arabella figg, remus lupin, adrian pucey

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Comments 36

shh_remus May 17 2007, 15:27:16 UTC
At 7 o'clock, Remus heard the knock and for once managed to beat Gilen to the door. Smiling warmly, he opened it, inviting Caradoc and Cai in. Remus couldn't help but make a double take, looking at Cai's... impeccable fashion sense.

"Welcome," Remus said, stepping aside to let them enter. It's wonderful to see you both." He led them into the sitting room where the piano had been brought downstairs. "This is the prize we found upstairs and if Cai would like to attempt to tune it, she has my blessing." Turning to Caradoc, Remus put out his hand. "It's really great to see you again and I'm glad you took me up on the offer."


shh_caradoc May 17 2007, 18:15:30 UTC
"Good evening, Remus. This is Cai."

The little elf smiled. "I is pleased to be meeting you. Cai is being busy now."

Caradoc shook his head as she winked out. "I think I'll just apologize now. Cai dances to her own tune. I believe she's gone to overtake your kitchen before she begins the assault on your living room. I hope you don't mind. I'd try to reign her in, but an elf on a mission, especially that elf, isn't an easy thing to control." He took Remus' hand. "I'm glad you offered. I wasn't sure where to meet, quite frankly. I'd been considering trying the town hall or asking Hermione Granger about the Loft area of her bookstore, when you offered. I really appreciate it ( ... )


shh_remus May 18 2007, 18:20:19 UTC
Chuckling, Remus shook Caradoc's hand and released it. "It seems to be the way with all Elves for some reason. But I'm sure they see our dress as strange too. In their own way, clashing neon colours can be rather... creative."

Remus gestured around the room, furniture slid out of the way to make more room for everyone to congregate. "You're more than welcome. I have the space so may as well take advantage of it. And if you need to use my home permanently, I have no problem with that either."

Watching Cai pop in and out almost made Remus dizzy. He stepped out of the way to let the elf work, not wanting to be in her path. She was efficient, that was for certain.

"I think Gilen is upstairs, but I'm sure he'll make an appearance sooner or later once people arrive. He tends to like to be underfoot." Which honestly, was not a problem for Remus in the slightest. He took the harmonica from Caradoc, a look of awe on his face. "This... thank you. I'm sure he will love it."


shh_caradoc May 17 2007, 17:53:18 UTC
Cai had laid out the refreshments and finished tuning the piano. The only thing left to do was wait for the members to arrive. There had been over a dozen replies to the notices and letters, but not everyone was available for this first meeting. Caradoc didn't really think it mattered. He had formed clubs for various purposes in the past and it always took awhile for them to gain momentum. He didn't think this one would be any different.

He was chatting quietly with Remus about his son, Gilen, and Caradoc's own family, when the first members started arriving.


shh_adrian May 17 2007, 18:37:25 UTC
Adrian had been a nervous wreck most of the day thanks to his letters back and forth with Ginny the day before. He'd tripped and fallen in the shower, ripped a whole wide in his favorite old jumper, and when he'd tried to spell his bookshelf into standing upright (the thing was turning more and more into The Leaning Tower daily), he'd spelled the thing too hard and sent it chasing him through his flat ( ... )


shh_caradoc May 17 2007, 18:59:55 UTC
Cai bounded to the door before Remus had a chance to rise and showed in a young man.

"Welcome! I'm Caradoc Dearborn and this is Remus Lupin, whose hospitality we're enjoying this evening." He held out his hand and smiled. "Boston College? Did you attend? My daughter has just started serving her potions apprenticeship very near there."


shh_adrian May 17 2007, 19:04:47 UTC
Adrian shook the hand of the very very friendly wizard and nodded toward both he and his old professor. "Good to meet you, sir, Adrian Pucey. I was a student of Professor Lupin's back at Hogwart's," He held out his hand for the other wizard as well, "It's good to see you again, sir."

He looked down at his sweatshirt and blushed a bit, "Oh, this, no, I had a friend who attended there." He swallowed lightly, quickly moving on, "My family and I lived in Boston for a couple of years - your daughter must be at Salem? Great programs there, their potions especially." It seemed he was the first person to arrive, and he'd worried about being late!


shh_arabella May 17 2007, 19:26:38 UTC
As 7 o'clock approached, Arabella put the finishing touches on her contribution to the first meeting of the Music Club. She couldn't sing or play an instrument, but she made a mean spongecake, and she was determined to bring one to the meeting. This one, a lemon spongecake with poppy seeds sprinkled on top, was one of Caradoc's favourites, and Arabella placed it in a cake-carrying box she'd bought at a Muggle Tupperware party some years earlier. Retrieving her string bag and her hat, she held the cake box close to her body, threw some Floo powder into the fireplace and said clearly, "Remus Lupin's house."

A few moments later she stepped out into an unfamiliar room. Fortunately there was a familiar face nearby. "Good evening, Caradoc," she called out.


shh_caradoc May 17 2007, 20:17:54 UTC
"Arabella!" Caradoc caught sight of the cake box and grinned. "If that is what I think it is, I may have to have Cai hide it so I can have it all to myself. Come and meet Adrian Pucey and you remember Remus Lupin, I'm sure."


shh_adrian May 17 2007, 20:28:50 UTC
Adrian had just gotten himself a cup of tea - he was still a bit jumpier than he wished - when the Caradoc bloke brought an elderly women over to meet him. He set down his mug and took her hand for a light kiss. "Nice to meet you Ma'am." He said with a kind smile, there was something about her that he liked immensely, all ready.

"Caradoc, you said you may have found a teacher? I can go into Exeter or London and have a piano anytime - my family is in Muggle money now, so these things are actually easier to come by than others for me. Of course, once there's a permanent home for the Club, I'd be happy to have the piano placed there, if that would be all right." He smiled again and took a sip of tea, it felt good to be out among people again - other than his flight with Angelina (that almost ended so terribly) he'd been by himself at all times for almost two weeks straight.


shh_arabella May 17 2007, 20:47:59 UTC
"Yes, dearie, it's what you think it is," she said, holding the box away from Caradoc so he wouldn't make off with it right then. "Lemon poppyseed this time. I hope the other guests like it too. Let's call it my contribution to the evening, as you wouldn't want me to sing and I can't play anything."

Caradoc led her over to meet a dark-haired young man with striking blue eyes, who kissed her hand in the continental way. "It's nice to meet you too," she said agreeably. "I already know Remus Lupin so you must be Mr. Pucey. Oh, do you play the piano? That's one of my favourite instruments." Turning to Caradoc she asked, "And where is Cai tonight? And should I dare ask what she's wearing?" Arabella cringed at the possibilities.


shh_marietta May 18 2007, 00:30:35 UTC
Marietta had been looking forward to the Music Club all day. She enjoyed singing and hadn't done any since she'd left Paris, where she occasionally ventured into karaoke clubs. She hoped Mr. Dearborn had some Muggle music arrangements; she could stand only so much Celestina Warbeck and the Weird Sisters.

Today she'd worn a simple tied shirt and crinkly skirt to work under her robes. As this was an informal gathering and she'd not inspected any Floos today, she simply left her work robes at home when she Floo'd to Professor Lupin's house at 7 o'clock.


shh_caradoc May 18 2007, 02:17:30 UTC
Caradoc had just greeted an older couple he had met while helping clean up the marketplace after the trouble in March. They both played a number of reed instruments although her clarinet and his saxophone were damaged. Caradoc had hopes that Cedric Diggory's transfiguration would be up to the making the replacement valves. If not, he would add replacement instruments for them to the grant request.

He heard the floo and smiled, "Miss Edgecomb, I'm so glad you could come. Mrs. Figg is here and a number of other people. Please help yourself to some refreshments. We'll be starting soon."


shh_marietta May 18 2007, 02:41:32 UTC
Marietta remembered both Mr Dearborn and Mrs Figg; it was difficult to forget a handsome middle-aged wizard escorting an elderly squib in search of a Floo connection. "Hello, Mr Dearborn," she said. "I'm glad to be here." Looking around she found Mrs Figg and said hello, then went off to get some refreshments before the meeting started.


shh_caradoc May 18 2007, 19:29:49 UTC
At 7:35, Caradoc thought he had given the everyone enough time to obtain refreshments and he wanted to begin to give everyone additional time to socialize and break into smaller groups later ( ... )


shh_adrian May 18 2007, 19:38:05 UTC
Adrian raised his hand tentatively from his seat toward the back of the room. When recognized he stood and just saidm "Just wanted to let you know that I'll be donating the piano I'm purchasing - so if that effects the Foundation's funds at all, please just let me know either way, I wouldn't want to complicate things."

And he sat back down, better to be lesser known and respected for it than a showboat, he figured.


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