RP: The Stoatshead Hill Musical Club

May 17, 2007 19:00

Date: 17 May 2005 (evening)
Characters: Caradoc Dearborn [Cai], Remus Lupin, Adrian Pucey, Arabella Figg, Sanguini, Marietta Edgecomb, NPCs and other Musical Club Members
Location: Remus' home at 6th & A
Status: Semi-Public (Private home, Public Meeting)
Summary: The first meeting of the Stoatshead Hill Musical Club.
Completion: Complete

Music is the universal language of mankind. )

caradoc dearborn, sanguini, marietta edgecombe, may 2005, place: private residence, arabella figg, remus lupin, adrian pucey

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shh_caradoc May 17 2007, 17:53:18 UTC
Cai had laid out the refreshments and finished tuning the piano. The only thing left to do was wait for the members to arrive. There had been over a dozen replies to the notices and letters, but not everyone was available for this first meeting. Caradoc didn't really think it mattered. He had formed clubs for various purposes in the past and it always took awhile for them to gain momentum. He didn't think this one would be any different.

He was chatting quietly with Remus about his son, Gilen, and Caradoc's own family, when the first members started arriving.


shh_adrian May 17 2007, 18:37:25 UTC
Adrian had been a nervous wreck most of the day thanks to his letters back and forth with Ginny the day before. He'd tripped and fallen in the shower, ripped a whole wide in his favorite old jumper, and when he'd tried to spell his bookshelf into standing upright (the thing was turning more and more into The Leaning Tower daily), he'd spelled the thing too hard and sent it chasing him through his flat ( ... )


shh_caradoc May 17 2007, 18:59:55 UTC
Cai bounded to the door before Remus had a chance to rise and showed in a young man.

"Welcome! I'm Caradoc Dearborn and this is Remus Lupin, whose hospitality we're enjoying this evening." He held out his hand and smiled. "Boston College? Did you attend? My daughter has just started serving her potions apprenticeship very near there."


shh_adrian May 17 2007, 19:04:47 UTC
Adrian shook the hand of the very very friendly wizard and nodded toward both he and his old professor. "Good to meet you, sir, Adrian Pucey. I was a student of Professor Lupin's back at Hogwart's," He held out his hand for the other wizard as well, "It's good to see you again, sir."

He looked down at his sweatshirt and blushed a bit, "Oh, this, no, I had a friend who attended there." He swallowed lightly, quickly moving on, "My family and I lived in Boston for a couple of years - your daughter must be at Salem? Great programs there, their potions especially." It seemed he was the first person to arrive, and he'd worried about being late!


shh_caradoc May 17 2007, 20:13:00 UTC
"Caradoc, please, Mr. Pucey. I always feel ancient when anyone not a student starts Mr. Dearborn-ing or Professor-ing me."

"Actually, my daughter is at Boston General, the magical side obviously. She is studying with a Potions Master who specializes in medicinal potions. She is rooming with friends, one of which began a fellowship at Boston College, and the other is taking healer training at Boston General. Although I do agree that Salem is excellent, I'm prejudiced toward The Louisiana Conservatory of Magical Arts and Sciences, having taught there for 25 years."

"Please help yourself to something to eat and drink, and have a seat. Oh, I believe that I have someone interested in giving you refresher lessons on the piano, if you can locate a piano for yourself, until we have a permanent meeting location, that is."


shh_sanguini May 18 2007, 07:01:29 UTC
Once the sun had set, Sanguni had awoken from his slumber and remembered that tonight was the night he was to go to the first meeting of the Music Club. He got dressed in some of his semi-formal wear. The vampire was always one for first impressions, but he didn't want to over-do it.

He walked to the address he had been given and knocked on the door. A house elf in quite...interesting clothing answered the door. It hurt his eyes just to look at her with all of the colors. Nonetheless, Sanguini gave a bow of his head after asking where Mr. Dearborn was. He walked up to the man and saw those he was talking to, waiting for a lull in the conversation to speak.

"I understand you are Mr. Dearborn." He smiled, not baring his fangs as he extended his hand. "I am Sanguini."


shh_adrian May 18 2007, 19:33:58 UTC
Adrian had just nodded a polite goodbye to Marietta when he heard the man introduce himself the Caradoc. This was the piano teacher he'd been told about, and so he stepped toward them slowly, not wanting to interrupt their conversation. At a lull in talking, he said quietly, "Mr. Sanguini? Caradoc told me you might be interested in taking on a piano student? Adrian Pucey, in search of a teacher." He extended his hand, more interested in the vampire than frightened by him - he certainly seemed a decent fellow was polite enough - as he'd never met one before.


shh_sanguini May 18 2007, 20:42:33 UTC
Sanguini had been chatting politely with Caradoc when a younger man came up to them rather slowly. When they paused in their conversation, the vampire turned his head to look at him.

"Yes, I am Sanguini." He shook the man's offered hand. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Pucey."

The vampire gave a small bow of his head.

"So you are the one seeking piano lessons? I would be happy to assist you, although I may need a bit of a warm-up. It has been quite a while since I have had access to a piano."


shh_adrian May 18 2007, 20:54:58 UTC
"Adrian, please. And I'll be getting a piano soon. I live in Copper Towers, I'm not sure if that's far for you - but you'd be welcome to practice anytime you like. I don't sleep much, so most likely it wouldn't ever be a disturbance."

There was something in the vampire's demeanor that Adrian liked very much. He was polite, traditional obviously.

"And other than the use of the piano, I'd be willing to compensate you as well - as long as you'd accept Muggle money, or we could work out a trade for your time if you like." Adrian was probably being a bit more businesslike than the occasion warranted, but he figured it was better to be on the safe side with these things - wouldn't want someone else offering pay for lessons and himself missing out.


shh_sanguini May 18 2007, 21:13:54 UTC
"Copper Towers?"

The vampire laughed softly.

"I happen to reside in the basement of the building, Adrian. I am surprised we have not run into each other, although it's likely because of my nocturnal nature."

Sanguini shook his head.

"I have no real need for money. A willing student and a piano is all that is necessary."


shh_adrian May 20 2007, 18:36:36 UTC
When the vampire laughed, Adrian again had a flash of thought that he could indeed like this man.

Adrian blushed lightly when he said that he actually lived in the same building. "I'm sorry - I haven't been around the complex much, to be honest, I was staying with my --" He wasn't sure how to describe Ginny at the moment and so he settled, "friend. During the trouble with Muggle power and all. I hadn't charmed most of my flat yet. That's all taken care of now though." He added the last part hastily, hoping that Sanguini wouldn't be hesitant to practice in his flat.

"I should be able to procure a piano within the fortnight if that would suit, I can owl as soon as I have more solid word. Thank you," Bowing slightly, still feeling as if he'd interrupted the conversation, and he said, "I suppose I'll go find myself a seat. Sorry for interrupting gentlemen - and Mr. Sanguini, I'll be in touch soon." With one more slight nod, Adrian headed toward the back of the room to grab a seat for the formal portion of the meeting.


shh_caradoc June 7 2007, 18:13:27 UTC
"Indeed I am. Welcome, Mr. Sanguini. I'm pleased you could join us." He made a variety of introductions to others in the group. "If you'll all have a seat, I think I'll start the ball rolling on the next phase of our meeting."


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