Poll On Winners Banners Styles

Apr 04, 2010 10:45

I wanted to change the banners for the new year and since I was behind, I did the Jan and Feb banners with the same coloring and style. But I want some feedback, our old banners versus our new banners. Under the cut is examples of the old banners versus the new ones and then some questions about them.

I'll leave the poll open for a while. And then, we will see which coloring/font/size etc the community likes the most. If I put the winning options together and it just doesn't look good, I will tweak it.

Before you vote (because this might change your vote) keep in mind that for the participation banners, I use the same coloring/fonts of the theme banners (the banners I make to announce the monthly theme). For example, for Feb banners I used the Lovefest font for the winners and used a pink gradient since I used those on the Lovefest banner.






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