February Winners Banners

Apr 03, 2010 22:45

And now Feb banners are done as well. :) Mistakes, let me know ASAP. Just a heads up, there are images from the Buffy Season 8 comics used here. So if you don't want to be spoiled but your name is in the tags, just PM me and I will send you the URL of your banner.

If you haven't noticed, the banners are different! They are bigger, a different color, different fonts. Please let me know if you like them better, worse, or the same as our old banners.

January Winners





mierke if you could let me know what banner you'd like for your March participation here, I might be able to get those banners done tomorrow/Monday. Voting will be up Monday hopefully.

158, angearia, sonnekinde, sevendeadlyfun, modpost, beer_good_foamy, nikkiwawa79, mabus101, 159, deird1, 157, rebcake, 156, emelye_miller, angelus2hot, amyxaphania, thedothatgirl, winners, duh_i_read, mierke, brutti_ma_buoni

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