011 drabble

May 01, 2007 21:43

One from the archives I always liked.

Title: Human Weakness
Author: Beer Good (beer_good_foamy
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Prompt: 011 - Mayor's office
Characters/Pairing (if any): Richard Wilkins III

Knock knock.

"Go away."

The vampire looked at his watch and steeled himself before opening the door.


"I said GO. AWAY." The boss was at his desk, face in his hands, hair on end.

"Sir, graduation is in two hours and we need to..." The vampire ducked a paperweight, thrown with impotent human strength, and shrugged. Hey, his ascension, his problem if he misses it. He closed the door.

Alone again, Richard Wilkins took a deep breath. He rewound the camcorder for the fourth time and forced a smile before hitting "Rec".

"Hello, Faith. If you're watching this tape..."

beer_good_foamy, pg, drabble, btvs, the mayor, 011-020

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