11:: Umbrella Shopping on the Path to Redemption

May 01, 2007 15:48

Title: Umbrella Shopping on the Path to Redemption
Author: smurfyfredels
Word Count:100
Prompt: 11: Locations (Free For All:: London)
Characters/Pairing: Andrew (Andrew POV)
Note:Ha! I knew I had another Andrew drabble lying around. Sort of like the last, a little more watcher!squee.

They say it rains a lot in England, or that’s what Xander tells me. I’ll have to invest in a good umbrella. Hey, maybe I’ll ask Mr. Giles which one he likes! He should know these things, being a local and all.

He’s really sort of James Bond, minus the awesome gadgets and the cool car. Dawnie swears he has this really cool red one, but I’ve never seen it.

Being a watcher is going to be so cool. It's even cooler than being a super villain because I’m sure they’ll let me do stuff. Take that Warren and Jonathan!

andrew, smurfyfredels, g, drabble, btvs, 011-020

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