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Comments 16

kristen999 October 25 2010, 21:18:05 UTC
Awww, this was very lovely. It's are to capture the sense of a whole city, since many stories focus on the team, but I took the spirits of community from this. I laughed out loud at John and Lorne's costumes!

Having a very sentient Atlantis was an interesting twist and I'm glad the whole thing was just a set of tricks gone too far.

Sweet story :D


stella_pegasi October 26 2010, 02:01:08 UTC
Thank you so much...I 'm so glad you enjoyed Specter. Like I said in the note, I LOVE Halloween, and I wrote a SGA story last year and had to do one this year.

As for sentient Atlantis, I always write the city that way. She and John have some nice little chats. I love writing the city and having stories set there.

Thanks again for your comment, means a lot.


sherry57 October 25 2010, 21:29:34 UTC
This was soooo good. Funny, mysterious, even a bit of whump. I loved it. I was just telling Alex today how much I loved Halloween as a little girl and your story reminded me so much of the Halloween atmosphere. Thank you so much hon for this.

“ Perhaps Sgt. Canelli is simply in the ‘spirit’ of the holiday - This was great! Teyla at her best, is she taking the earth people for a ride or is it her alien way of speaking?
References to 'Ghostbusters' galore and Sheppard leaving his quarters so fast he forgot he was in his birthday suit!! What I woulod give to be a fly on the wall for this scene!

Great stuff. To be read again this weekend as we eat pumkin pie and dunk for apples!! Thanks hon.


stella_pegasi October 26 2010, 02:09:04 UTC
I am a Halloween nut...never lost my craziness for it...I have even gone to costume parties as Elvira...hated the wig...

You know, I wrote that line, as a straight line for Teyla but who knows..she could have been making a joke. Sheppard's quick dash from his quarters was designed for all the fangirls and fanboys out there. It was fun to write...got a bit distracted myself.

Thanks so much, so glad you not only enjoyed the story, but that it brought back good memories as well. Thanks for letting me know.


(The comment has been removed)

stella_pegasi October 26 2010, 02:12:19 UTC
Oh...another Halloween story...that would be cool. I wasn't kidding...love this holiday!

As I told sherry57, I got a bit distracted writing that scene with Sheppard running out into the corridor in his "birthday suit" as she put it. Hmmmmm...does cause one to stop and ponder just a bit.

Glad you enjoyed...now to get to writing!! We need more ghosts and goblins!


sgafan October 26 2010, 05:54:34 UTC
That was great! Loved that it was Atlantis trying to do this for John. Aww! Love the city connection.

Thanks! Great Halloween story! :D


stella_pegasi October 26 2010, 12:33:49 UTC
Thank you...glad you enjoyed it. I love writing Atlantis and John...since I am not a shipper...John and Atlantis is the closest I come to writing ship. Thanks for letting me know, I really appreciate your commenting.


sgafan October 26 2010, 14:14:24 UTC
LOL I hear you there. I don't ship either but John and the city is a fun connection to explore. ;)

YW for the comment! Its a fun story and I wanted to let you know as much. I think that's important. :D


tridget October 26 2010, 17:05:25 UTC
I'm glad kristen999 rec'd this. This was a great festive treat. I loved the "slice of life" feel to the story, starting with the gateroom scene right on through to the final party scene. I'm totally into sentient Atlantis stories, too. The Batman cap with the hole in it really made me laugh. Thanks for a delightful seasonal tale.


stella_pegasi October 27 2010, 05:05:37 UTC
Thanks so much, I was quite humbled when kristen999 rec'd the story, I really appreciated it. I am glad that you enjoyed reading it.

I love to write about the city and expedition and I love to write Atlantis as sentient and her interaction with John. Just a lot of fun. Glad you like the cap thing, I had to a Sheppard's hair comment somewhere.

Thanks again, I really appreciate your comment!


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