Happy Halloween! SGA Fic: Specter by stella_pegasi

Oct 25, 2010 15:31

Specter Part One


By stella_pegasi

Part Two:

The remainder of the afternoon was quiet. On the 30th of each month, end of the month backup, and routine diagnostics and maintenance were conducted from 1300 to 1700 hours. Everyone in operations, the science department, and military administration were fully engaged in securing data and completing preventative maintenance protocols.

Sheppard walked into Woolsey’s office late in the afternoon, as the Atlantis director was putting the final touches on the day’s report. Sheppard had just come from Lorne’s office. His XO was responsible for the military computer system’s backup; the process had gone well. He sat down in one of the armchairs across from Woolsey’s desk.

“It’s been quiet, not a ghost or goblin has shown itself this afternoon.”

Woolsey looked up from his laptop, “It has been certainly been refreshing not to hear screaming this afternoon. I must say that I have kept glancing over my shoulder all day, expecting to see a goblin running toward me.” He sighed and leaned back into his chair. “However, as this is Halloween ‘Eve’. I am far from naïve to believe that we will be free of specters this evening.”

“Probably not, but Zelenka and his team placed lot of sensors around the base. We’re going to find out who did this. It has to be someone on Atlantis; everyone was involved in systems maintenance and there were no sightings. Someone was preoccupied and couldn’t play.”

Rubbing his forehead, Woolsey seemed lost in thought for a moment. Sheppard decided to let him ponder for a bit. When he spoke, Woolsey seemed hesitant, “Colonel, we could restrict personnel to quarters or gather them in the mess hall or gate room, while we try to get to the bottom of this.”

It was Sheppard’s turn to ponder for a moment. When he replied, he wasn’t hesitant about Woolsey suggestion. “Richard, what good would that do, other than anger everyone, which I doubt you want to do. Look, so far, we are injury free; some people just a bit more startled than others. This base is full of scientists, trained to investigate the unknown, and special ops Marines and airmen. We should be able to handle a few ‘ghosts’ with little trouble. “

“I suppose you are right, but I just have a feeling that we’ve simply been lucky so far. I am afraid that isn’t going to last.”

“There’s nothing wrong with a little ‘Trick or Treat’, as long as the trick is done in fun. Let’s hope it stays that way. Think I’ll go see if McKay and Zelenka have made any headway.” He stood up, “Check with you later,” and headed toward McKay’s lab.


When he arrived at McKay’s lab, Sheppard found McKay and Zelenka bickering. They were arguing about the best way to flush out the source of the ghostly images. He stood in the doorway for several minutes before either scientist noticed him.

“What are you doing standing there, are you playing stealth soldier, Sheppard?” McKay sounded angry. Sheppard was fairly certain that McKay was simply frustrated. His crack science team had yet to figure out where the resident ghosts were coming from.

“No, just having fun watching the two of you bickering like an old married couple,” he replied. Sheppard walked in the lab, sitting down on a stool across from Rodney. "I take it that you don’t have a clue about what's going on?”

Zelenka answered. “Colonel, we have good data about the ghosts. They are definitely video images being projected, but we cannot isolate the source. The images appear out of thin air and then disappear into thin air.”

Sheppard was quiet. Something was nagging at him, and he couldn’t put his finger on what was disturbing him. He glanced over at Rodney who was pouring over data, concentrating as only Rodney could. McKay looked up, frowning when he saw Sheppard staring at him.

“What? You think we are always going to have answers. I have to tell you, this is baffling; it doesn’t make sense. These images are coming from somewhere, and our sensors should be telling us from where and they are not.”

“McKay, they have to be coming from…” his COM beeped, stopping him. Lt. Chuck Campbell, the senior gate tech was contacting him.

“Colonel Sheppard, we are receiving multiple reports of ghost sightings all over the base, sir. Mr. Woolsey requests you come to the control room, ASAP.”

Sheppard tapped his earpiece, “On my way.” He turned to McKay and Zelenka, “Come on, boys. It’s time for an episode of Ghost Hunters.” The colonel rushed out the door, the scientists on his six.


For the next five hours, reports of multiple ghosts flooded in from all over Atlantis. Zelenka dispatched his teams out into the city, but the results were always the same. The ghosts appeared instantly, startling those around, and then winked out.

McKay was visibly angry. He slammed his tablet onto the table in the mess hall. He joined Sheppard and Ronon who had gone to grab a quick bite, hours after the regular dinner hour. “Damn it, where the hell are these things coming from.”

Sheppard smiled, “McKay, calm down. This isn’t a personal attack on your credibility…no one’s keeping score.” He grinned at Ronon, “However, last I looked, it was ghosts - 254 to McKay - 0. “

“Bite, me.” McKay snapped.

Definitely, Sheppard thought, McKay was decidedly pissed off.

Ronon pushed a cupcake toward McKay, “Here, little man. This always makes you feel better.” Sheppard laughed, and McKay glowered at the Satedan, but took the cupcake anyway.

Watching McKay for a moment, Sheppard could tell that the scientist was aggravated and puzzled. McKay aggravated wasn’t unusual, puzzled was highly unusual. “Rodney, whoever is doing this is doing it in the spirit of fun; at least, I hope that‘s why. The good thing is that it’s almost Halloween. This will be over soon.”

McKay wasn’t buying the argument. “I need to know who is doing this. If they can pull this off, they can do a lot of other things, and that’s what scares me.”

Sheppard shrugged. He couldn’t argue with that logic. He was about to reply when Lorne’s voice erupted in his ear.

“Colonel, come to crew quarters, Dr. Jeffers is hurt. He fell from the balcony; apparently, one of the ghosts was chasing him.”

Sheppard sprang up from the table, “Let’s go. We have our first injury.” He left the mess hall at a dead run.


When they arrived at the crew atrium, the EMT’s were already there, Dr’s Keller and Beckett arrived seconds later. Dr. Jeffer’s had taken a bad fall from the balcony, and was unconscious.

Sheppard approached Lorne, “What the hell happened?”

Lorne shook his head. “Dr. Masuria said they had just left their lab, heading to Dr. Jeffer’s quarters to watch a movie. They were walking along the bridge from the main staircase to the other side of the atrium, when a “gaggle”, his words, of ghosts appeared in their path. Sergeant Johnston was nearby and heard the commotion; he came running and said he saw ghosts, mummies, zombies, all kinds of different figures. Johnston said the ghosts rushed the pair, and Dr. Jeffers leaned against the railing as one zoomed over him. He lost his footing, falling over the rail.”

Taking a deep breath, Sheppard peered at McKay, “All right, this is seriously unfunny. Get this figured out, McKay.”

Rodney glared at him, and then took off, running after Zelenka, who was returning to his lab for more equipment. The EMT’s lifted Dr. Jeffers onto a Gurney and headed for the infirmary. Sheppard followed them; Woolsey intercepting him along the way. The director fell in step beside him. Reports of other sightings across the base were reverberating in their earwigs.


“You don’t have to say it, Woolsey. We have to figure out what’s going on, and put a stop to it before someone else gets hurt. I get it.” Sheppard crossed the threshold into the infirmary, leaving Woolsey behind.


It was nearly 0200 hours; Sheppard felt tired, sleepy, but relieved. Dr. Keller radioed that Dr. Jeffers had regained consciousness. His only lingering injury consisted of a broken radius in his left arm and a sprained neck.

He and Ronon had caught up with Rodney and Zelenka. They were in a building on the southwest pier where most of the city’s supplies were stored. The Daedalus had arrived in the middle of the ghost hunt, and a crew was unloading freight from Earth, including decorations and costumes for the Halloween party Sheppard had ordered. Sheppard was now wondering if a Halloween party was a good idea.

The arrival of a lot of new faces seemed to have excited whoever was behind the ghost population. As the freight was beamed down, along with some of the Daedalus crew, the ghosts were swirling around. They were darting in and out of the stacks of containers, and popping out of the containers themselves. Upon hearing about the situation, Colonel Steven Caldwell beamed to the warehouse to see the spectacle for himself.

Caldwell walked over to Sheppard, McKay and Ronon, with a mischievous smirk on his face. “Well, seems like someone is in the Halloween spirit.”

Sheppard noted that McKay and Ronon spoke to the Daedalus commander, but he had something else on his mind. Awareness of what was really going on was beginning to creep into his consciousness. If he was right, well, there would be a lot of surprised people, and a lot of questions.

He gazed about the warehouse. His eyes riveted, watching various ghosts and goblins, witches and horror movie characters floating everywhere. All the ghosts were familiar to him, from the ghost described in the story his mother read to him every Halloween when he was a child, to the horror movies that he loved. He was fairly certain that he saw Elvira floating behind a large container. Elvira was definitely one of his favorite things about Halloween.

It couldn’t be; he thought. She couldn’t be doing this. If she was, it meant she could read his mind, his thoughts, interpret them, and then create these images. He didn’t think their connection was that intricate and involved. However, the proof was there in front of him. Every image could be traced to his memories. He became suspicious when he realized why the original ghost that Sgt. Canelli saw was familiar to him. The large blue hooded specter was the ghost from his favorite childhood story. He smiled to himself; the only thing missing was the one thing he was truly scared of as a child, clowns. Now he was going to have to tell McKay what he suspected, and listen to the scientist razz him for the next…well, eternity.

He pivoted toward McKay, to tell the scientist what he suspected, but stopped in his tracks. Whirling all around him were clowns, large, brightly-colored, horrible clowns. Startled, he quickly scrambled away from the clowns, not realizing that he crossed into the path of one of the forklifts. Seeing that his CO had backed into his path, the Marine forklift operator steered his machine abruptly to the right, hitting a stack of containers. One of the containers on top of the stack teetered from the blow. Sheppard realized that both McKay and Caldwell were in danger.

Shouting at Ronon, he shoved McKay out of harm's way, while Ronon grabbed Caldwell’s arm, dragging the colonel out of danger. However, Sheppard didn’t have enough time to clear out of the container's path. The large container fell on top of him, pinning him against the warehouse deck.

Sheppard was lying on his stomach, the large container across his lower back and legs. He was thankful that he could feel pain under the circumstances. He could hear McKay screaming for Keller to come to the warehouse. He then saw the scientist’s bright blue eyes, filled with fear, boring into his.

“Sheppard, Sheppard, can you hear me?” McKay was yelling.

“Rodney, I’m p-pinned, not deaf.” However, Sheppard realized he was very light-headed and dizzy.

“Can you feel your legs?” The question came from Caldwell, as Ronon and some of the others managed to remove the container from atop his legs.

He attempted to move his legs. He heard sighs of relief as he managed to slide his legs on the deck. “Yeah, I can feel them, but pain in my l-lower back.”

Caldwell’s deep voice echoed in his ear, “That’s enough, don’t try to move. Medics will be here in a moment.”

Sheppard lifted his head, glancing around the warehouse. All the ghosts had disappeared, confirming he was right. She was behind the apparitions. When he was injured, she stopped projecting the images.

“Rodney, c-come here,” McKay’s face materialized in his line of vision once more. “It’s Atlantis; she’s creating the ghosts. All these ghosts are from my memories. She’s doing it for me.”

McKay’s mouth fell open. He tried to speak, but only a tiny squeak emerged. Taking a deep breath, he tried again, “Atlantis, are you sure? Well, of course you are, and you have to be right. She’s the only one that could transmit energy through the walls at a whim. How the hell did she know what to create? Is there something you’re not telling me, Sheppard?”

Sheppard started to reply, but realized that he was about to pass out. He could hear the sound of a Gurney's wheels racing across the warehouse deck as his vision dulled to blackness.


He slowly became aware of the soft, consistent cadence of the monitor next to his bed. It was, unfortunately, not an unfamiliar sound. He had been in the infirmary far too many times not to recognize that beep. He also knew that the sound from the monitor was not what awoke him. He could feel her prodding him awake. He relaxed and she entered his thoughts.

“Colonel, you are awake.” “

He laughed softly, as he replied silently, “I am now, but since you are the one who woke me, you know that.”

“I have caused you distress, it was not my intention.”

“I need for you to tell me why you created these ghosts. Dr. Jeffers was hurt because of the images.”

”I assumed that you would enjoy the images, colonel. I did not expect anyone, you or anyone else, to be injured. I would like to reiterate that was not my intention.”

He was silent, trying to keep his thoughts to himself. He was unsure how she had managed to uncover the images from his mind.

“You are angry with me.”

Reaching his hand up to rub his eyes, Sheppard felt the tug of an IV in his arm. He hated IV’s, and supposed he could blame Atlantis for needing one, but he wasn’t going to. He only wanted to know why, and, more importantly, how she knew what to create.

“No, I’m not angry with you, although, Dr. Jeffers' injury was a very unfortunate consequence of your actions. How did you do this? How did you know what images to use? Can you read my mind? I mean, not just understand what I say to you directly, but read thoughts not intended for you.”

He sucked in a deep breath, not certain that he wanted to know if she could. He waited for her response, surprised that she did not respond immediately. He sensed she was contemplating his question.

“I always hear you, but only react to requests that you make to me, or if you are in danger. I have the capability to react to sub-conscious thought. For instance, you might think that the temperature in your quarters is chilly, and not realize you have asked to have the ambient air warmer. I will respond to that thought.”

“OK, I understand that, but how did you decide to create these ghosts?”

“You discussed the supplies for the party with Dr. McKay and Dr. Zelenka; I monitored your heart rate and breathing, which increased as you spoke with them concerning the holiday, denoting pleasure. I could ascertain the thought patterns associated with those physical reactions, and create a visual image of them. Of particular note, your heart rate and breathing sped up considerably in reaction to the pattern ‘Elvira….’”

Sheppard blushed and quickly interrupted her, “OK, so you created the images. Then, as it got closer to the time for the party, you started displaying the images around Atlantis.”

“Yes, I did. I wished to ‘surprise’ you. I fear I have upset you. I have caused you and the other to be injured which was never my intention.”

Sheppard had thought of Atlantis as a sentient being for quite while, yet never more than this moment. He wondered if she possessed three ZPM’s if their interactions would be even more involved. He hoped someday to know the answer to that question.

“I know it wasn’t your intention, and I am not upset. I just want you to understand that you shouldn’t surprise me in this fashion. There are others involved, and you now know they can be hurt. I do appreciate your desire to add to the experience of the holiday for me. In fact, let’s talk about the party; I have an idea.”


The Marines, scientists, and crew members from the Daedalus joined together to decorate the mess hall and the large patio outside. The twin moons were rising in the dark New Lantian sky, casting an eerie glow to the sea. All the tables were covered with black and orange tablecloths and candles. Freshly carved pumpkins and baskets of candy sat on each table. The Marines had carved the pumpkins, as they had the year before. Sheppard was fairly certain the Marines used the carving to practice their K-Bar skills, after seeing the distorted faces carved into the pumpkins.

Dr. Keller had given Sheppard an almost clean bill of health, and permission to attend the party. His legs and torso were severely bruised and he had wrenched his back. The doctor had prescribed painkillers and insisted he wear a light back-brace. She had also sent Air Force medic, Sergeant Leon “LJ” Jones, to Sheppard’s quarters to help him dress for the party. LJ was 6’7”, 260 pounds, and completely devoted to his CO. Keller knew he would make certain Sheppard didn’t hurt himself getting dressed in his costume.

When Major Lorne arrived at Sheppard’s quarters, LJ tried to stifle a laugh, but simply didn’t have the strength. He burst into laughter as he looked at Sheppard and Lorne together.

“Sirs, if you don’t mind my saying, Dr. McKay is gonna be pissed. I can’t wait to see his face.”

Both men slipped long coats over their costumes and headed for the Tower Outside the mess hall, they slipped on their masks and headgear, dropped the coats and walked into the party. LJ, now dressed as Smoky the Bear, waited outside to signal when McKay arrived.

Sheppard and Lorne caused a lot of commotion as they walked through the mess hall and onto the patio. Everyone knew that their choice of costumes was designed to aggravate a certain fussy scientist.

Woolsey, dressed as a WWII soldier, was sitting with Teyla, who was dressed in a Roaring 20’s Flapper costume, Kanaan in a Zoot suit. Neither Teyla nor Kanaan fully understood the concept, but they had fallen in love with the costumes in the catalog Sheppard had given them. Torren was dressed as a dinosaur. However, a decidedly frightened dinosaur, who hid behind his mother when he saw the two men approach the table.

Ronon was dressed as a Samurai soldier; Sheppard was certain that he chose that particular costume for the sword and the sword alone. Amelia was dressed as a Geisha. Dr. Beckett and Dr. Warren had chosen to dress up as Dr. Who, numbers 10 and 11. All of them laughed heartily when they saw Sheppard and Lorne.

Teyla smiled, “I believe that Dr. McKay may be a bit angry seeing the two of you dressed as his favorite characters. I must say, John, the alteration you have made to the head piece is interesting. I cannot wait to see his face.” Teyla’s eyebrow raised in what Sheppard could only believe was sheer pleasure at the thought.

Colonel Caldwell, his command staff, and crew appeared on the patio to large applause, they came in unison as a football team, complete with Coach Caldwell, players, cheerleaders, referees, water boys, and it appeared Major Marks was the tiger mascot. As Sheppard watched them enter, he found himself continually surprised by Steven Caldwell. He had turned out to be a pretty decent guy.

Sheppard’s com activated, and LJ warned him McKay a group of scientists were entering the mess hall. Sheppard was puzzled when LJ said, “Sir, I’m going call for EMT’s to be on alert.” A couple of minutes later, Sheppard was about to call the EMT’s himself.

Dr. Rodney McKay and a large number of his science department entered as circus entertainers, a clown circus. Rodney was a clown ‘ring master’, and Jennifer was a lady clown dressed in an elegant evening gown. Dr. Jeffers, in a wheelchair, was in costume, his cast painted a neon green, being pushed by a clown nurse. A large ruffled collar barely covered the neck brace Jeffers was wearing. There were funny and sad clowns, clowns carrying a replica of a Volkswagen Beetle, going in and out of the door. They had flowers that squirted water, buckets that threw confetti, and they headed straight toward the table where Sheppard’s team was sitting. Sheppard and Lorne were hiding, standing behind Caldwell and Lorne.

Rodney asked, “Where’s Sheppard?”

Teyla smiled, “Oh, Rodney, Colonel Sheppard is going to be most unhappy.”

McKay looked a bit nervous, “Yeah, it seemed like a good idea at the time. Then, well…it was too late to change. So, where is he?”

“Right here, Rodney.” Sheppard said quietly.

Caldwell and Ronon parted to reveal Sheppard and Lorne in the persona of Batman and Robin.

McKay’s happy clown face, quickly turned into a frown.

“You, you came as Batman and Robin, really, flyboy. You know they’re sacred…how could you? And what the hell have you done to Batman’s skull cap? Did you cut a hole in the cap for your hair? You did; oh, that’s just sick vanity, really.”

Sheppard gingerly took a step forward to stand directly in front of ‘Clown’ Rodney. “You are dressed as a clown, and nearly your entire department is in clown suits. You did this because you know how I feel about clowns. I don’t like clowns, Rodney, and after the events of early morning, I like them even less.” Sheppard looked angry, and Rodney was starting to sweat.

“Well, it was meant to be a joke, my timing is just bad.”

“You think?”

“Oh, come on Sheppard, it’s all in good fun. Except, that you are mocking Batman and Robin, so what’s up with that?”

“It’s good to mock, Rodney.”

Sheppard turned to the crowd who was watching Batman and the clown intently, “Time to get this party started, Happy Halloween, everyone.”

Sheppard snapped his fingers and the ghosts, goblins and other apparitions that had haunted the city for the last couple of days appeared, mingling with the crowd to everyone’s amusement. Sheppard sat down, rather gingerly on his sore backside, and Rodney sat across from him.

“I’m a dead man, aren’t I?” Rodney lamented.

Sheppard didn’t answer immediately. He was intently watching a comely Elvira float past him. Finally, and quietly, he replied, “Yes; yes, you are, Rodney. You should enjoy your Halloween.”

Rodney sighed, and began eating candy from the basket on the table. Sheppard watched him for a second, thinking sometimes the tricks were better than the treats. He loved Halloween.

The end.

Happy Halloween, Everyone!
Hope you enjoyed!

sga fic, sheppard whump, action, teyla emmagan, rodney mckay, stargate atlantis, ronon dex, john sheppard

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