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Comments 16

wanted_a_pony October 26 2010, 20:50:45 UTC
Awww, Atlantis was just trying to make John's party extra special.... (Complete with a very lifelike Elvira--she made sure to include that important detail! ;-)

I'm glad John escaped without permanent injury, & that everyone was still able to enjoy the actual Hallowe'en party. I also love the idea of couples, groups & departments doing group costumes--tho' it was mean of Rodney to pick clowns! However, as much as John will rag on him about that in the future, Rodney can pick at John for not telling everyone just how much he talks with Atlantis. Should be some interesting conversations (as long as you can stay out of the crossfire)....

This was such fun; thanks very much for writing & sharing!


stella_pegasi October 27 2010, 05:10:27 UTC
Hey, Atlantis takes good care of John!!!

I don't think I could hurt John Sheppard permanently...but he does get whumped a lot. I really love Halloween so I had to write another story...had too much fun last year planning Atlantis' costume party!

Thanks for commenting, I really appreciate and I am very happy you enjoyed the story.

Thank you for reading!!


mjulok October 27 2010, 19:21:53 UTC
Thank you for another great story! Poor John and Atlantis :)

I usually comment on FF.net and have always loved your stories! (do you prefer comments here or there or everywhere?)

Not being from an English speaking part of the world has limited my connections with Halloween, but when you get stories like this from it :) I might find it fun :)


stella_pegasi October 28 2010, 00:08:58 UTC
Well, at least John and Atlantis got on the same wavelenght at the end. Halloween is fun, I loved it as a child and I still love it. I am actually not having a party this year, which I normally do. However, I am going to one...not costume, but will be fun.

I'm glad that you enjoyed the story and I always appreciate your comments. I am thankful that you take the time to comment, please do so wherever is more convenient for you. I post more on ff.net than here. Just too lazy to re-post some of the stories here, but I want to do so eventually

Thanks so much! Take care!


sarcarmic October 29 2010, 13:06:41 UTC
Great story for the season! I can absolutely see John liking Halloween above every other holiday. He is very good to his inner child that one, isn't he? :) The cute? Atlantis trying to please him. I had a nice awwww moment. The funny and also very cute? Elvira! I had visions of a ore-teen John trying to figure out what the hell she was doing to him and what was happening inside his pants. The hilarious? The Colonel coming out of his quarters naked. I really laughed out loud at that. He is such a prude, it must have been terrifying for him! "Boo, you're naked" :D And lastly, the "I never saw that coming, AWESOME"? The science department clowns. Yeah ok, Sheppard and Lorne as Batman and Robin is hilarious enough (God, the tights, the tights!!), but for McKay to come in with the clowns, in the end, is another demonstration of the strong friendship between the two. Thanks so much for sharing this story, I enjoyed it immensely!


stella_pegasi October 31 2010, 01:09:26 UTC
No..thank you. I do not believe I have ever received a more entertaining comment to a story. I love your comments.

Yes, Sheppard does seem to take care of his inner child, doesn't he and we all indulged him. I can also see no...going to leave that and the naked hallway run to reader's imagination. Mine was overwrought with thinking about those two images at the time...kept getting distracted.

Anyway, thank you very much for a enjoyable comment. I am really glad that you liked the story. Poor Rodney, wonder if John will ever let him lived down the clowns????

Take care. By the way, sorry for the delay in reply...last couple of days have been crazy.


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