Day: 30
Characters: Sasuke Uchiha [
revengeisbitter] and Hige [
Summary: Time to find out what the fuck is wrong and fix it, once and for all.
DAY/NIGHT & Time: evening
Status: closed, incomplete
Holding onto the devil I know, All my troubles'll hang on your trigger. )
Comments 22
How... How, damn it? He resisted the urge to slam his fist into the wall, knowing that outright anger would just make it worse. Somehow, Hige's illness seemed to intensify when Sasuke was particularly loud and emotional, and he didn' would kill him to add to his friend's misery any more.
Instead, he knelt carefully on the floor, paying no attention to the pool of vomit that was steadily spreading dangerously close to his knee. Some backwater part of his brain registered the irony in the situation; that one time, not long ago, he'd been the one vomiting all over this cell ( ... )
He vomited again, eyes squeezed shut and tearing up when Sasuke spoke once again, his whole body shaking slightly from the pain and the nausea and everything else that made him feel that he was being torn apart from the inside out while in the other's presence. He could push it aside though, he'd ignore it, but he wanted to be with the other. He needed to be able to have someone here... The someone who hadn't hated him or abandoned him no matter what and... He wasn't going to lose ( ... )
He gave the pool of vomit a cursory glance, noting the lack of blood in it, then carefully reached out, brushing a strand of Hige's hair away from the sweaty forehead. He anticipated another wave of vomit, knowing that physical contact was bound to make the illness worse, but--he couldn't help it. He wanted to touch Hige as badly as his friend apparently wanted him to touch him--wanted it, despite the pain that it would inevitably cause ( ... )
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