A friend of mine, DJ Void, celebrated his 10th anniversary dj-ing in austin, tx with a steampunk ball.
eris_star and I decided to take a trip downtown and go!
We had a fun time getting ready, and took a few pics before we headed out (we didn't bring the camera to the club, though, too much effort!) at the club, we actually met some folks from this board! it was pretty ausome, even sharing stories of dodging wierd-too-much-ectasy-butt-and-corset-molesting-lady.
as we were heading to downtown austin, we first made sure that the soap-gun was working in order to cleanse any stinky hippies.
and we did our hair up in altered gibsons. our hair got more comments than anything else!!
Oh hai! She has a key!
eep! and bugs! i'll get it! (seriously, it is a working bug vacuum).
oh my! what's on your hiney??
oh that? my wallet.
synj_munki all dressed up. this outfit was thrown together from my closet, the accessories are a result of a midnight wal-mart run and a can of spraypaint (well, except for the scorpion in amber necklace, that was in my closet). the pants are military i use for work (i'm a CRM project archaeologist), the belts are from my mundane and faire closet, black tank-top and a nip-line (not, repeat NOT an underbust!!) corset my husband bought me on our honeymoon, a stretchy zipper shirt i've had since high school, and stompy goth boots that have been glued and sewed back together more times than i can remember. guns went in pockets b/c i had no holsters.
the lovely
eris_star in an outfit she's been working on. can you believe this is the first costume she's sewn 100% on her own? even the corset! i'm so proud. i've been teaching her to sew over the last couple of halloweens. she has a corset, blouse, bolero vest, skirt, and travel-bustle. most of her accessories are things she already had (actually, i think the blouse came out of my closet b/c the silk one she had was too hot for club-dancing!). we even made the ringlets in her hair from scratch :)
and one final parting shot before leaving...