Sorry for the lateness in posting, but here is the batch that came out the best. Cheers to everyone who braved the 100+ degree weather in the name of racing upon the toen's seldom-used tracks. (I'm somewhat new to picture posting, so hopefully this works!)
This is my own self, in my steam persona Ashley Arkham. It's small but I do in fact have a gold gun on my leg.
The persona is named Carlotta Redbridge, and her lj name is
inwee. Though many of us employ the "chop-shop" method of cosplay, this little minx made the lot from scratch, hat and all!
This fine gent is Jeremy Allen, whom I do not personally know but has given me permission to use the photo of his amazing stilts and...I guess it's a was rigged up to a cannon-like thing on his arm. Note that he stands a full body's-length above us all.
Another pic of Jeremy and myself, around knee-level.
The regatta all went down in the heart of wine country, so for those of you from outside of CA, know that we rarely consider it a proper hullabaloo unless there's red, white, and cabernet.
There were dozens of vendors, not the least of whom had this most righteous hat. The doily thing on top was actually a silvery metal.
Not all the rigs raced. This snail was purely for artistic purposes, but retained the full intended value.
The races were done tournament style (there are only two tracks, after all), and this was the winner of the race we saw. Pic taken by my dear friend Andrew, who does not have a persona nor a lj.
And that's it! Thanks millions for everyone who participated, even if it was only to show up! This was the second annual of its kind, and believe me when I say that this little town of mine needs all the help it can get in being interesting; the regatta is the first chance in a good ten years that we all had to look foreward to something. Hope to see you all next year!