I got a copy of the picture that was taken of me coming off the field with my head injury at the UT Grads match the night of March 07, 2007.
It's a tad gory (and a bit big), so look under the LJ-cut the picture isn't being fully rendered, so just click on the URL:
Feb 27, 2007 12:52
I saw the chiropractor yesterday, after 2 days of persistent back pain. Diagnosis: 2 vertebrae shifted out of position. Not quite a slipped disc, thank goodness. However, I'll still need some back adjustments, and I won't be able to play our Saturday rugby match against the Austin Huns. Quick, any props in Austin want to CIPP with our team?
Jan 29, 2007 09:31
Owing to sore outer knuckles on both hands, going for weeks now, I've decided to Take Charge and help the healing process along by taping the last two fingers of each hand together. (Use common sense, please, to determine whether or not the hands themselves ended up taped to each other
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Nov 06, 2006 11:22
We had our second game of the season against the Victoria Kronks (where in hell did they get that name?!), down in Victoria TX. Their pitch was surprisingly plush (in comparison to the dustbowls and concrete we usually play on), and I strapped on my long cleats with high hopes. I'd hydrated like crazy, carbo-loaded, and drunk my electrolyte
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