Give me a character I play and I will give you a few facts about them according to my own personal canon. This can range from their birthday, favorite color or even their earliest memory up to what they had last night for dinner.
WoW or any RP or any original characters from my fiction.
Narrator: Meanwhile! At the Saratoga, Travis demonstrates advanced money-saving techniques that can help you out of serious debt...
Waitress: So, is there anything else I can get for you? Me: No thank you. I'm currently trying to tell myself I shouldn't have cheesecake. Waitress: Oh, you should have cheesecake. :) Me: Ok! :D
For those of you that didn't know, someone broke one of my car windows a while back. It was difficult finding a replacement, since my car is so old, but this one junkyard claims it has one. I just have to wait until pay day this Friday. :)
It's been a long time since I last posted something here. I don't have much time either, because I need to be at work in about half an hour. So, what did I feel the need to post on LJ?
There's currently a skunk living under the utility building in my back yard.