Welcome to
startrekbigbang! We're really excited to be hosting this event for Star Trek Fandom and we hope you're just as excited to participate in it. I know you've all been waiting not-so-patiently for word on what exactly is going on here, but never fear! After much discussion, we think we've come up with a schedule for 2009 that will work.
As many of you know, we've missed traditional big bang season, so this year we've decided to do an abbreviated run and set the minimum word count at 15k. (Don't worry, next year we'll get the ball rolling much earlier in the year and you can torture yourself over that 20k soon enough!) Without further ado, let me present the 2009 Star Trek Big Bang schedule:
July 1st - We open Artist/Mixer and Author sign ups.
July 15th - Author sign ups close at midnight PST.
September 15th - Artist/Mixer sign ups close and author rough drafts are due by midnight PST.
September 20th - Blind claims open for Artists/Mixers. We'll do a reveal of who got assigned to whom after all claims are taken.
October 10th - Posting schedule revealed.
October 20th - Art/Mix rough drafts due.
October 28th - November 30th - Big Bangs posted!
Now, those of you familiar with other big bangs may be curious about this whole "Artist/Mixer" category. Let me explain! Basically, we want to give everyone a chance to participate in big bang, no matter what their creative outlet is, so we're giving people the opportunity to create mixes for fics as well. Now, we know that many artists like to create mixes with their art, so when you claim a fic, you'll be allowed to claim it for both art AND a mix, or you can claim one or the other. Savvy?
Authors, we know you're up to the challenge of 15k in two months and we can't wait to see what sort of genius works you come up with.
startrekbigbang will be accepting all flavors of Trek, both new and old (you can even mix it up… have Janeway and Kirk take on the Borg Queen, if you want)! We'll also be accepting ST:XI RPF if that's your poison. AUs, mirror universes, gen, slash, het… you name it, and we want to see you write it!
Now, we've got a pretty awesome mod team here, so let me introduce them so you know who's who around here! There's Mickey, aka
daybreak25; Dru, aka
drusilla27; Brie, aka
anothergirl415; Zippit, aka
zippitgood; and Amber, aka
daybreak25 and
drusilla27 will be handling any general/author questions.
anothergirl415'll handle your art queries, and
zippitgood's got a handle on mixes. Finally,
affectingly is going to keep things rolling along by managing deadlines and reminders.
Deadlines are strict and we will not be able to make any exceptions. For a challenge like to run smoothly, we need everyone to adhere to the deadlines like their fic writing, art designing, mix making heart depended on it.
As per usual in a big bang challenge, you may not post your story before your scheduled reveal. (Of course, your betas and cheerleaders can have a look at it, but you will be disqualified if you post the story ahead of schedule.) No partial stories will be accepted. Your story must be complete and posted in its entirety on the assigned date (which will be announced as per the schedule on October 10th).
If you have any further questions, you can feel free to drop a comment or you can reach us at startrekbigbang[at]gmail[dot]com! We ask that if you have a specific question about some aspect of the challenge you choose one of these topics to put in your subject line so we can handle your email more expediently: MIX, FIC, ART, DEADLINE, or GENERAL.
If you don't include one of those words in your subject line, it may take us a little bit longer to get to your question (filters are magic)!
Now, we'll leave you to discuss and plot and we'll see you all again on July 1st for sign ups! In the mean time, if you'd like to pimp the community, please feel free to avail yourself of one of the handy codes below! The more participants the better!
Artist Sign Ups Author Sign Ups ---