Jul 01, 2009 15:34

Please comment here to sign up for the 2009 startrekbigbang Season as an artist/vidder/mixer. You may use the following form to sign up:

Art and/or Mix:

Please indicate what you are open to creating for below.
RPF and/or Trek: (This is not ironclad, but more for our general planning purposes. If Trek, please indicate which version(s) you're open to.)
Gen, Slash, and/or Het: (Again, not ironclad, just for planning.)
Pairing(s) [if applicable]: (Same as before.)

Please note:

- You can sign up as an artist and mixer, or you can choose just one or the other.

- Art can be a vid, original illustration, manip, or cover art. You must create at least one piece for your claimed story. Art may be explicit, however we do recommend that you okay that with your author first.

- Mixes must be at least 6 songs.

- Sign ups will close September 15th, midnight PST.

- Claims will open September 20th.

- A rough draft of your art and/or mix will be due by October 20th.

- Posting will begin by assignment October 28th.

For further information/rules, to see the complete schedule, or to ask questions/email the Mod Team, please see the welcome post! Please do not comment here with questions for the mods.

Happy creating!

artists, !mod, sign up: artists

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