As If You'll Live Forever by camesawconquerd (R)

Oct 28, 2009 22:01

Title: As if You'll Live Forever
Author: camesawconquerd with extensive help from thalialunacy
Beta: soloproject
Artist: rosvian
Fanmixer: rosenskimmer
Series: ST XI
Character/Pairing(s): Kirk/McCoy
Rating: R
Word Count: 15,300
Warnings: General creepiness of alien races, abuse of the mind meld and maybe some schmoopiness. Nothing too squicky though.
Summary: A mission goes awry when the Captain is poisoned and beamed aboard unconscious and trapped in his own mind, how will they recover him from his own dreams?
Disclaimer: It doesn't belong to me, not one bit of it. (Sadly, and much to my dismay.)
Notes: Many thanks to soloproject and thalialunacy for their help on this. I couldn't have done it without them. Some of my inspiration came from the following movies: The Cell, Groundhog Day and The Rainbow and the Serpent. The quote about tomorrow only existing on 'the calendars of fools' is by Augustine Mandino II (a salesman and inspirational author). The very end of this story is almost (but not completely) verbatim from The Diamond as Big as the Ritz by F. Scott Fitzgerald as are the cut tags! (the story is a favorite of soloproject and myself ♥). 'Tartaros' (or 'Tartarus') is from Greek Mythology and was where souls that had been judged after death and received punishment went to in order to serve their time so to speak. Many thanks to Wikipedia and Memory Alpha for being awesome in all ways and always having the answer I was looking for. And I think that's it really.
Link to Fic: Part I, Part II, Part III
Link to Art: Some fabulous art by rosvian is located roundabouts here
Link to Mix: A freaking awesome mix by rosenskimmer is right here!
Bonus!Art: A little extra arting by soloproject is right over here at her creative journal midnight_city

Sweet Jesus I don't think I've formatted that much text in one go like, ever.

ensemble: stxi, series: stxi, pairing: kirk/mccoy, round 1: 2009

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