Title: Within Reason
Author: Cave Canis
Artists: Brynnamorgan and Mariza
Series: ST XI
Character/Pairing(s): Spock and Uhura
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 18,764
Warnings: Sexual Content
Summary: Spock is faced with a terrible decision about his life. Does he fulfill his duty to the Vulcan people or to Nyota and the Enterprise? Where is his heart?
Link to Fic:
http://cavecanis.dreamwidth.org/ Link to Art:
http://brynnamorgan.livejournal.com/57775.html Link to Art:
http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a114/angeleyesjg24_icons/Star%20Trek/stbb_withinreason-1copy.png Link to Mix: