It can be. There are a lot of things to remember. For example, Vulcans. Their blood is green, which can be a shock if you're not compared for it, but more importantly, their heart is where the liver would be on you or me.
Not always. There are a lot of species with red blood, for example. Human, a lot of animals on Earth, Trill, most Klingons -- though some have pink or lavender blood. Vulcans and Romulans both have green blood.
[ There's a nod. He can understand that, empathize with it at least, even if he's never been in that situation. ]
Our worlds are different, so I'm not sure I'll have the samples closest to what you are, if you're not human. I can see what the hospital has, though; I should have that information on my tricorder anyway.
There are other differences too, of course.
[ She respected you before, but now she does even more. She thinks being a doctor for humans alone would already be most complicated. ]
Yeah. Their blood is based on copper, where our blood is based on iron.
[ Pause. Thinking, thinking. ] So, you can tell a person's species from their blood?
So you would not be able to tell from my blood what I am?
What sort of tests?
I've got my medical tricorder, so it'd be easier than however they do it at the hospital, too. Take less time.
[ Pause. ] If it is no inconvenience. I would not wish to impose. [ ... She meant to cheer McCoy up, not bother him with requests. ]
[ Work distracts him and puts him in a better mood -- well, talking about it, at least. ]
Our worlds are different, so I'm not sure I'll have the samples closest to what you are, if you're not human. I can see what the hospital has, though; I should have that information on my tricorder anyway.
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