Title: The Dial That Turns Author: Poppy Rating: NC-17 Characters/Pairings: Germany/Prussia Word Count: 830 Warning: Dub-Con, Little BDSM Summary: Germany watches his elder brother get fucked by a machine.
Title: Straight into Hell I Walk Author: Poppy Rating: NC-17 Characters/Pairings: Prussia/Kid!Germany Word Count: 3667 Warning: Shota Summary: Kid!Germany is turned on by Prussia's sword-lesson.
Title: The Big Sleep Author: Poppy Rating: PG Characters/Pairings: Germany, Prussia Word Count: 910 Warning: Death Summary: Prussia can't help but just want to 'Sleep'.
Title: A Week of Life starring Ludwig Belischmidt [Sunday] Author: Poppy Rating: PG-13 Characters/Pairings: Germany/Prussia Word Count: 1000 Warning: None Summary: A slice of life with the couple.
Title: A Week of Life starring Ludwig Belischmidt [Saturday] Author: Poppy Rating: NC-17 Characters/Pairings: Germany/Prussia Word Count: 1500 Warning: Language, Sex Summary: A slice of life with the couple.
Title: A Week of Life starring Ludwig Belischmidt [Friday] Author: Poppy Rating: PG-13 Characters/Pairings: Germany/Prussia Word Count: 1000 Warning: Language Summary: A slice of life with the couple.