Title: The Big Sleep Author: Poppy Rating: PG Characters/Pairings: Germany, Prussia Word Count: 910 Warning: Death Summary: Prussia can't help but just want to 'Sleep'.
I was wondering where you disappeared off to, but I'm glad to see that you have returned! :Db
As for the fic, this is definitely a very different take on Prussia death fics. For one, the whole fic is surprisingly...gentle, and I think it contrasts nicely to Prussia's boisterous and loud nature in life.
I can't help but feel bad for Germany though. I can't begin to imagine the tremendous guilt he will feel when he realizes that his last moments with Gilbert were spent with him being a bit of an asshole. :/
^^ aha, well... Along with my writer's block I... forgot my password again Orz (Firefox saved the wrong one and it takes me forever to figure out which one it is)
Thank you very much! I always try and do something different on an old standard... And try to be true to life.
Comments 2
As for the fic, this is definitely a very different take on Prussia death fics. For one, the whole fic is surprisingly...gentle, and I think it contrasts nicely to Prussia's boisterous and loud nature in life.
I can't help but feel bad for Germany though. I can't begin to imagine the tremendous guilt he will feel when he realizes that his last moments with Gilbert were spent with him being a bit of an asshole. :/
Thank you very much! I always try and do something different on an old standard... And try to be true to life.
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