Seven Days of Self Promotion - Day 6

Jun 17, 2014 21:08

1. Something old
2. Something new - talk about a new fanwork of yours!
3. Something you made for someone else
4. Something you made just for yourself
5. Something for a large fandom/pairing/character
6. Something for a small fandom/pairing/character
7. Something you're just really proud of

I've actually made several vids (and even written some fic) for teeny, tiny fandoms. This is because I have often become obsessed with shows that don't get the attention they deserve and then die out within one or two seasons.

Here are two vids for tiny fandoms. As far as I know, I may be the only person ever to vid them. Let me pimp them to you.

1. Chaos. God this show! The network went and played it out of order (death-knell right there), but these guys are so perfect. They're US spies and the new guy has just been put on their team and he's got to learn fast that none of these guys can be trusted until you earn it. There's this brilliant mix of humour and caring and f**k-ed up damaged individuals to make it a fandom with some of the best h/c fic I've ever come across. No kidding. The fandom on LJ was tiny, but awesome! I made this vid as an introduction to the show. Enjoy!

( Original LJ post here)

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2. The LXD. That stands for League of Extraordinary Dancers. In this series created by Jon M. Chu, a bunch of seemingly ordinary people realise they have extraordinary powers fueled by dance. And they have to pick a side in a battle of good against evil. Sounds weird, right. It totally is. But the dancing is AMAZING! Like blow your brains amaze-balls! I've yet to see S3, so if anyone has any leads, let me know. (I'm gonna check Amazon again now while I think of it.) I made this vid as a gift for a Festivids recipient or I likely never would have thought to vid it.

( Original LJ post here)

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Thanks for watching! :)

chaos, self promotion meme, the lxd, meme, youtube

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