Seven Days of Self Promotion - Day 4 (instead of Day 1, which I'll post later in the week)

Jun 12, 2014 21:33

So everyone is doing this and I'm super bored tonight, so here goes. I doubt I'll post these on consecutive days and just because I'm indecisive about some of them, I'm not going to post them in order either. Hope that's okay. Good!

1. Something old
2. Something new - talk about a new fanwork of yours!
3. Something you made for someone else
4. Something you made just for yourself
5. Something for a large fandom/pairing/character
6. Something for a small fandom/pairing/character
7. Something you're just really proud of

I may have pretended that this vid was for a 80's challenge, but really I made it for me. It had no plot, no purpose, no reason for being, except I'd had a bad day and needed a chuckle. The bad pun in there (which people picked up on, yes!) is absolute proof this was made for no one but me. I honestly still watch it when I'm feeling down, which I can't say for most of my vids!

Push It! Supernatural - made in 2008

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self promotion meme, meme

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