Hey SPN fandom... where are you?

Jun 13, 2014 19:55

I'm wandering through all the SPN communities I'm a member of and I'm saddened to find they are almost all dead. There's just crickets and the echo of happier days. (Though I am happy they're still up as an archive.)

Can anyone point me to where SPN fandom is still alive? Has it moved to Dreamwidth? Is it hiding in a few communities I am not a member of or haven't flittered into yet? In particular are there any:
- writing communities open to fact-finding or collating of information for SPN writers,
- general discussion communities,
- busy fic communities?

I'm almost regretting popping in. It's like the party is over and I'm sitting here eating the cake alone. It's very good cake though. :(

SPN people come friend me. :P

(Me: I'm mostly a gen girl, but I don't mind mixed communities and I will read the odd bit of het and slash. I don't do the Wincest/J2 thing, but it won't stop me talking to you if you don't mind that I don't go there. I'm currently re-watching my DVDs. Just hit Season 4!)

new friends, help, spn

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