Seven Days of Self Promotion - Day 2

Jun 14, 2014 20:21

1. Something old
2. Something new - talk about a new fanwork of yours!
3. Something you made for someone else
4. Something you made just for yourself
5. Something for a large fandom/pairing/character
6. Something for a small fandom/pairing/character
7. Something you're just really proud of

Something new? I haven't written or vidded anything lately... except one little SPN drabble and a multi-fandom vid for a friend's sermon. But I have ideas galore, right now.

There's a SPN case!fic I had all plotted and started to write back when S2 was airing and then it got Kripke-d and I was so frustrated I stopped writing it. I've hauled it out and I'm mulling over re-writing it to be a S3 fic instead and just acknowledged Kripke beat me to the whole pentagram thing. We'll see how I go.

Vidding-wise, I'm collecting together some nicer quality files so I might be able to have a go at SPN again. A few songs have hit me as strong possibilities. I'm on a Jamie N Commons kick at the moment and two of his songs seem perfect for SPN:
- Jungle [youtube link]: Would totally do for a general awesome vid. Lots of running and evil and no God.
- and Devil In Me [Youtube link] for Sam and his whole demon-blood/Lucifer story line.
And then I've gone and found the perfect song for Season 4 (I think, just re-watching that now). It's so perfect I'm terrified to share it in case you all tell me it's been vidded 10,000x already. Ha! But the idea seems pretty solid.

I'd also love to do some podfic, but I've traditionally kept to British shows where my accent isn't quite so weird. What do people think on that front? If an Aussie reads a story where the characters are American is it weird?

self promotion meme, meme, spn

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