Stargate Advertisement Challenge Entries

Aug 12, 2006 23:01

Okay, so I'm just going to start a running list of entries, in the order they were submitted in here. The challenge has no particular timeframe, so feel free to wander over HERE to the challenge page and submit an entry at any time.

** Radio advertisement for DecorWraith Shampoo by starrylizard
(For all the Australians, remember that annoying Decore advertisement - You know, the one to the tune of 'In the Still of the Night' - that used to get stuck in your head? Well...)

[video of Wraith singing into shampoo bottle in the shower]

DecorWraith wraith wraith,
DecorWraith wraith wraith,
DecorWraith wraith wraith,
DecorWraith wraith wraith.

As Iiiii shampoo my hair,
I really looove my DecorWraith.
And Iiii love the feeling
And so does the fa-mi-ly
Ohh- yeah!

[voice over]
Tired of finding random colours creeping into your white locks?
Try new DecorWraith shampoo, to keep your hair pristine white for longer.
You're gonna love new DecorWraith!

** Manips by _wwsd_: A new Shampoo - Herbal Sheppance and Daniel Jackson sports a shiny new FCUK Ascension t-shirt

** Radio ads by rinkle:

Tired of those years creeping up on you?

Wish that you could look this way forever?

Want to live like a god?

Try Goa'uld, the latest in health and beauty products.

If symptoms persist, see your nearest sarcophagus


Haven't had a wraith culling in years? Haven't had another false god trying to convert your world since you got rid of the old one?

Never fear, Stargate Command is here.

Call 1900-destroying-your-world-is-us


[With an icon of Jack]
Sick of days that never end?

Sick of days that never end?

Sick of days that never end?

Sick of days that never end?

Sick of days that never end?...

** Manip of a book by starrylizard Ascension for Dummies

** Vids by Yokiem: Late night TV matchmaker ads - phone us now

** Jaffa Sybiote Cleaner radio ad by infinimato
Jaffa! Is your symbiote looking worn and old? Clean it right up with new Jaffa Symbiote Cleaner! Guaranteed to make your symbiote look young and new again, just like when you were first implanted!

Be the first one of your Lord's great army to have a shiny, new looking symbiote. Prices reasonable, available at a mothership near you!

Jaffa Symbiote Cleaner by Serpentine Services -- makers of Goa'uld Eye Wash: For tired, dry eyes from too much flashing!

challenge, advertising challenge

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