Looking for the perfect man/woman?...

Aug 12, 2006 20:51

Title and artist: Addicted to Love - Robert Palmer/ Hot Stuff - Donna Summer
Vidder: Yokiem (though I'm supposed to say that it's all my fault for watching too much late night TV...or something)
Summary: You know those late night ads that ask you to call this number now for hot girls/guys...? Well, we made some of those. Two matching ads, one for the girls and one for the guys. Made for the Stargate Advertisement Challenge.
Pairing/Character: Guys of Atlantis/ Girls of pegasus
Category: Humour
Format: wmv
Size: Guys call - 4mb small, 8.25 large
Girls call - 4.5mb small, 10mb large

Guys call:
small on Filefront, large on Filefront, large on YSI

Girls call:
small on FIlefront, large on Filefront, large on YSI


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