Stargate Advertisement Challenge

Sep 10, 2006 11:21

So, after I posted my Sateda commentary, to my surprise, there has been some call for more Wraith advertisements.

The Wraith commercials I made can be found here and here. (contain footage from Sateda and Allies respectively)

I did come up with some more terrible Wraith product puns (It's sad I know), but then I thought "why should the Wraith get all the fun?" and I also thought it would be way more fun to throw it out as a challenge to all of you.

So, make up a commercial for a product for use by anyone in the Stargate universe and come and join in the fun.

Maybe you think the Asgard could use some skin care products, the Ori could use some sunscreen in their fiery little haven, or the Ancients might have need of the time-honoured classic book “Ascension for Dummies.” Whatever you can think up, it's all welcome.

There's no time limit or sign up and no limit to the number of advertisements you can make. Really bad puns and cracked out products are highly encouraged.

-- Writers: Write a radio commercial
-- Artists: Make a poster or magazine spread
-- Vidders: Vid a TV commercial

-- combine forces with someone and make a combination of all of these things, or something I haven’t thought of yet.

-- Or just have acrazy idea, but no time - just throw your idea into a comment below. You never know, maybe someone else will take it on and we can all chuckle at your amusing puns in the meantime.

Reply in a comment below with your commercial (type in to the comment or leave us a link to your LJ) and I'll eventually add it to a master list.

Enjoy yourselves.

The list of entries so far can be found HERE

advertising challenge

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