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Comments 88

outpour July 30 2009, 07:32:04 UTC
God, that Lorena/Bill sex scene... I seriously couldn't watch it. It was so DISGUSTING. So I really hope they're going in the direction that you mentioned. Because otherwise it was totally out of left field, ya know? Ugh gross.


And yes, Jessica definitely needs more scenes. It's funny because I couldn't stand her when they introduced her. Now I love her and want more.


starryeyedmagic July 30 2009, 07:45:31 UTC
At first I was like "ew, oh show with your bloody sex scenes, lolz!" And then it just got even grosser and I was like, "Ok, wtf? Maybe take it back a notch?! TOO MUCH!"

My brother was watching with me and he was like "GEEZ WTF IS UP WITH THIS SHOW?" haha! Kind of a weird ep to randomly check out if you don't really watch it.

I think Jessica could have possibly been really annoying. But Deborah is so wonderful and I think brings a sense of reality and relatable-ness to such a crazy character.


luthien_9 July 30 2009, 07:55:45 UTC
Okk, about the rape part, Bill had been tortured and left without food for a long period of time. You have to understand that for a vampire, having no blood makes them crazy. Is not like if a human were to starve, it's completely different, and they always connect feeding from a human with sex. I never saw what happened as rape, because Bill was acting on his vampire instincts, he hadn't even recognized Sookie, and if it had been a boy, an old lady, any person in there, he would have reacted the same way. Obviously is not ok from Sookie's POV, but if you ask any other vampire (lol, i'm weird), I bet he/she would say it was natural, after what Bill had been through.
On another subject, I think really old vampires (for example Godric) did torture humans just for the fun, and since we don't know who Lorena's maker is... I'm just saying that's a posibility.
About Lafayette selling V, I think it's a plan from Eric to find out more buyers... idk, that was weird. Also Eric is sector 5 sheriff, not 9


starryeyedmagic July 30 2009, 08:12:43 UTC
Oh, I completely understand all that. But it was still rape by definition. I mean, whether it was intentional or not is besides the point. Sex was still had without consent. I don't necessarily blame Bill for it because I know it was beyond his control but it still happened nonetheless.
And I'm sure he would have raped a boy or an old lady. It definitely wasn't Sookie specific.

I also think it had to do with how young he is. I think in that situation a vampire as old as Eric or Godric might have been able to control themselves (I think this because of the way that Eric was literally able to fly himself/Sookie/Pam's coffin out of a burning building in the middle of broad daylight, that's some intense control).

But what I was saying here is that if the whole thing was more than just "oh Bill was a starving vampire" that would make him even more sympathetic. Which in this case, can only help his character. There's so much about what happened that was just brushed under the rug ( ... )


rissa333 July 30 2009, 14:18:35 UTC
I also think it had to do with how young he is. I think in that situation a vampire as old as Eric or Godric might have been able to control themselvesExactly this. As much of a non-Bill fan I am, I tend to cut him a little more slack with the whole trunk debacle. Though honestly, this would NEVER have happened with Eric. Though I am quite surprised that Book!Sookie cut him so much slack for this considering her history with Uncle Bartlett and such ( ... )


enthoozed July 30 2009, 17:01:59 UTC
As much of a non-Bill fan I am, I tend to cut him a little more slack with the whole trunk debacle. Though honestly, this would NEVER have happened with Eric. Though I am quite surprised that Book!Sookie cut him so much slack for this considering her history with Uncle Bartlett and such.

THIS. I don't get Charlaine Harris sometimes. I really found that whole situation disturbing! >:|

Whatever, I feel like Charlaine skips right over important plots (which is why I'm afraid she'll have Sookie get-over the whole trauma of D&G). She turned this strong female character into a weak one, imo.


luthien_9 July 30 2009, 08:19:53 UTC
There's so much about what happened that was just brushed under the rug.

I agree with that. In the books I thought Sookie was going to deeply analyze the facts, and then make her mind (like it usually happens), but instead it's like she wanted to completely forget that episode. I don't blame her, but since the books are from her point of view, we don't even get an explanation. I have to read book 9 again, 'cause I think it was much more detailed about her feelings, but I can't remember.


starryeyedmagic July 30 2009, 17:08:32 UTC
I guess it was better for her to almost pretend that it never happened?

I think I would have preferred for her to have seen it as a bigger deal though. I mean, Alcide said, "Sookie you were raped" in book 5 and I was so happy that it was at least mentioned.

TBH, I think there's way too much sexual assault of Sookie in general in the first few books though.
Book 1 - we learn she was molested by her great uncle as a child
Book 2 - Almost raped by that Fellowship guy
Book 3 - Actually raped by Bill
Book 5 - Almost raped by that crazy vampire guy Tara was dating, I think?

It's a bit much.

Well, book 9 doesn't really get into her feelings involving what happened earlier. I think it's just when she starts to...forgive Bill, for everything. The lying, the cheating, the raping, the using, etc...lol.
I think she started to previously in book 6 but then she found out about why he originally came to Bon Temps...and now she's kind of over that too. (That never really bothered me that much though).


legethien July 30 2009, 09:01:38 UTC
I always look forward to your pic/gifspams, they are pretty and shiny and lots of fun ♥

the idea that Eric even has to pay for this is mildly ridiculous but I guess humans in these parts don't know of his awesome-ness.
They sure have taken Eric in a new direction, from being this king-like vamp sitting in his throne and staring down at everyone else to just your regular vamp who pays for his meals like everyone else, even at the risk of them calling him 'baby'.
Personally I wouldn't have taken Eric for the type to hire some girl - they could at least have cast someone really blond and who very obviously looked like Sookie, haha.


starryeyedmagic July 30 2009, 20:27:17 UTC
I wouldn't either, but I guess if he was just sitting in his room and thought, "I want a snack right this second" it might be easier for him to just call room service and pay for it than to go all the way to a vamp bar and bring someone back. haha.


quamquam20 July 31 2009, 04:51:23 UTC

Personally I wouldn't have taken Eric for the type to hire some girl - they could at least have cast someone really blond and who very obviously looked like Sookie, haha.

hahaha or he asks her to smack him across the face.


iwanturhorror July 30 2009, 09:25:22 UTC
Just wanted to let you know, I freaking LOVE these True Blood Eric-centric posts you do. NEVER EVER STOP! LOL


starryeyedmagic July 30 2009, 20:29:29 UTC
Thanks! I definitely don't plan on stopping any time soon!

The only way I wouldn't do one is if Eric randomly isn't an episode (oh the horror!)

But luckily he's supposed to be in all eps this season! :D


iwanturhorror July 31 2009, 08:38:40 UTC
THANK GOD!! Couldn't stand an ep without him ;)


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