Title: Hidden Moments 5/5 - Together
Author: Stargirl888
Word Count: approx 550 for part 5
Spoilers: None - AU
Pairing: Brittany/Santana
Rating: T
WARNINGS: Light Angst
Summary: Some moments between a couple are private, profound, and incomprehensible to everyone else
A/N: So I prompted something similar at the fluff meme a while back but now decided to fill it myself. Special thanks to my beta!
A/N 2: This is the most planned and thought out fic I’ve written to date and I’m rather proud of it so please let me know your thoughts.
Part 1 /
Part 2 /
Part 3 /
Part 4 Taking stock of her life so far Santana would never understand how it had gone so completely off course, how things had spun so far out of her control.
Santana lay at an angle across the large double bed with a lilac comforter and duck shaped throw pillow, her head pillowed on the tall blond’s stomach, eyes closed as she enjoyed the feel of long fingers combing gently through her dark locks. It was one of those moments that you never want to end, a few minutes where all your troubles disappear and all that’s left is a blissful, calming silence.
It was moments like this that Santana relished because they were so rare in her life, especially now. Someone had recently asked her what her favourite part of her relationship with Brittany was and she had smirked and said ‘the sex’, but honestly, it was moments like these that she cherished the most, when they would just be together, when words were just an unnecessary distraction because who needed words when you understood each other so completely?
So Brittany wasn’t surprised when she noticed the glimmer of tears streaking tanned cheeks, she didn’t need to ask the reason for them, she just continued to twirl soft strands of dark hair between her fingers until the tears turned into wracking sobs, to which her only response was to gather the latina in her arms and rock her gently as she cried it all out.
And cry Santana did - it started slow, her sheer gratefulness for having someone like Brittany in her life suddenly overwhelming her until she couldn’t help but let the tears out. She blamed it on the hormones at first, though if she were really honest she would have probably cried even if the baby wasn’t throwing her body out of whack, then she cried for the child; a boy, she had recently found out, that he would never get to know his grandparents, who were too closed minded to even acknowledge him and that he would be raised by a teenage mother who had no clue what she was doing, no means to support herself and was living off the charity of others after being thrown out of her childhood home, and finally she cried for herself, for the life she was meant to have and the one she was currently living. She let all the anger, resentment, fear, and thankfulness flow into those tears until finally there was no more.
Slowly, ever so slowly she once again became aware of the hand that was now rubbing soothing circles on her back, the arms that were securely wrapped around her, the steady heart beat vibrating through the chest her head was resting on and the scent that was indescribably Brittany, and just like that she knew, that despite everything, she would get through it - they would get through it, together.