Hidden Moments 1/5 - Late

Dec 28, 2010 15:16

Title: Hidden Moments 1/5 - Late

Author: Stargirl888

Word Count: approx 500

Spoilers: None - AU

Pairing: Brittany/Santana

Rating: T

WARNINGS: Light Angst

Summary: Some moments between a couple are private, profound, and incomprehensible to everyone else

A/N: So I prompted something similar at the fluff meme a while back but now decided to fill it myself. Special thanks to my beta! This may be a bit confusing but I've written it that way on purpose so we are as much in the dark as the peoples whose POV you're reading, it will all come together in part five though, I promise!

A/N 2: This is the most planned and thought out fic I’ve written to date and I’m rather proud of it so please let me know your thoughts.

Mercedes heard the tell tale giggle echo from behind the row of lockers and rolled her eyes to herself, wondering if those two would ever learn that fooling around in semi-public Cheerio locker rooms was not appropriate behaviour. She decided interrupting wasn’t worth the inevitable argument Santana would start and so began to quickly grab the rest of her stuff, praying for a speedy exit as the rattle of metal told her that one of the two was, she presumed, now pressed against the lockers. Throwing her tog over her shoulder she hesitated when Brittany fell silent mid giggle.

“B?” Santana’s tone did little to hide her annoyance at whatever the blond had done, or not done as the case may be. Unable to resist Mercedes chanced a glance around the corner to see Brittany half pressed against the far row of lockers with Santana’s leg hitched around her hip, one hand on Santana’s ass, the other hidden from Mercedes’ sight, though she guessed it was wedged between the pair of them.

Thankfully the blonds full attention seemed to be on the Latina or Mercedes would have easily been seen, as it was her blue eyes did not stray from Santana’s brown ones.

“What date is it today?” she asked, expression unreadable and Mercedes couldn’t help but feel she was intruding, and not just because of the pairs physical proximity.

“Uhh, fourteenth I guess.” Santana replied distractedly, trying to kiss the blonds throat, only to be pushed back.

“No, it’s the sixteenth today. I know because Mr Schue wanted me to put the date on my worksheet in Spanish.”

“Then why do you ask if you already know the answer?” Santana snapped, lowering her leg and moving away, causing Mercedes to duck back out of sight. She should leave; she knew whatever was going on was private, and that if Santana actually decided to leave she’d be caught eves dropping, but she couldn’t help but stay, the gossip in her demanding more information so instead she settled on silently moving closer to the door in the hope of getting more information but also being able to make a speedy get away should it be necessary.

“You know why I’m asking.” Brittany replied quietly. There was a slight shuffling sound.

“Let go of my arm B.” Mercedes eyes widened in surprise at Santana’s tone, never having heard Santana speak to Brittany in a tone she usually reserved for freshmen and one Rachel Berry. Quick footsteps told Mercedes that Brittany must have complied and the sound of a locker opening and shutting followed. Santana let out a small sigh.

“It’s been the same day every month since we were freshmen.” Brittany tried again “You always said we could rely on it being like clockwork unless...”

“Look, don’t worry about it B,” Santana cut her off. “I’ve just been stressed. Next month it’ll all go back to normal.”

Knowing she was already cutting it close Mercedes quickly made her exit, her head spinning with unanswered questions.

Part 2

brittana, glee, hidden moments verse

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